Example sentences of "[det] must [not/n't] be " in BNC.

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1 We must demand the same level of statutory care as any other citizen , but that must not be bought with our anger and integrity .
2 That must not be the beacon that the West offers after the rebuke from Pale .
3 That must not be forgotten .
4 Twomey was getting on , of course , that must not be forgotten .
5 That must not be allowed to happen .
6 And make sure this bit is earthed , but that must n't be earthed and
7 The second bowl — all feeling of loneliness vanishes ; The third bowl — I start searching my soul to find five thousand volumes of ancient tomes ; The fourth bowl — a slight perspiration which washes away all unhappy things ; The fifth bowl — my bones and muscles all cleansed ; The sixth bowl — I establish communication with the immortal spirit ; The seventh bowl — this must not be taken , Already a cool ethereal breeze Emanates from underneath my arms .
8 They provide breathing gas to the helmet , communications wires , the hot water hose ( this must not be used in air diving ) , a phunumofathometer ( used to obtain the divers ' depth ) , closed circuit television and light cables , and for mixed gas bell diving — a gas reclaim hose .
9 This must not be misconstrued .
10 Although Francis Berry 's involvement with the cellar came purely from his friendship with Lutyens , this must not be taken as favouritism Berry 's was one of the oldest wine merchants in the business ( the company started trading in 1699 ) , and their first royal warrant was given to them by Edward VII , an honour the firm holds to this day .
11 This must not be seen as condoning the random killing of animals ; far from it .
12 This must not be dismissed as mere metaphor since it could also be true of the reader , for whom a health check might reveal their having suffered from a range of complaints in blissful ignorance .
13 It advocates ‘ parental affection ’ but advises this must not be interpreted as sexual .
14 Of course , this must not be overplayed : London 's advantages of liberal regulations and a critical mass of services , capital and knowhow , are sizeable carrots .
15 The importance of this must not be minimised .
16 This must not be read , however , as a nostalgic plea for a return to the age of classical epistemology .
17 This must not be taken to imply that Edward Crumwallis was unfit for his position .
18 The load on the UPS has a maximum rating , typically around 250 to 500 watts for a PC , and this must not be exceeded or the UPS will be overloaded .
19 This must not be taken too far and it must be done with thought for the project leader 's attitudes .
20 This must not be shown to the court before judgment .
21 They say scenes like this must not be allowed to happen here , and infiltrators must be rooted out …
22 The president of Dunoon and District Hoteliers Association , Bill Taylor , said last night : ‘ The Dunoon Area Tourist Board is due to be dissolved at the end of March and this must not be allowed .
23 Anyway , these must not be dismissed with hasty suggestions ; it is extremely important to my mind not to discredit the zoophile cause by sounding idiotic and to take great notice of the knowledgeable people who are concerned with managing these creatures even if one does not like their attitudes .
24 These must not be sung in the unfamiliar acoustic of the Church hymn , but suitably doctored so that they do not make shoppers stop their trolleys to listen .
25 Comparisons such as these must not be pressed too far .
26 These must not be forgotten but , on the other hand , they are not systematically carried out and , aside from its independence , the systematic nature of audit is its most significant characteristic .
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