Example sentences of "[det] because i have " in BNC.

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1 I know this because I have been glancing at a magazine called Rubiks printed in English and published in Budapest .
2 I say this because I have the feeling that you no longer wish to join your cousins in Wisconsin .
3 Erm why I am saying this because I have erm I know young people work with Guatemalans .
4 ‘ I know this because I have been here several times when I was younger .
5 I can , as yet , rate only the cheaper of these because I have yet to summon up the chutzpah to ask Tesco to send me all their other examples to sample .
6 He has always made it tough for me when he has been in contention but I can deal with that because I have confidence in my game . ’
7 He said : ’ I reserve my position on that because I have not only got to find money for the welfare changes .
8 I 'm not going to explain all that because I have n't got samples of it here .
9 I 'm rather reluctant to do that because I have absolutely no basis for knowing how long negotiations of this sort are likely to take , erm and if I say well er that such negotiations must be completed by
10 Last night , Ena Gilmour , Raymond Gilmour 's mother , of Hawthorn Avenue , Johnstone , said : ‘ I will allow myself to be slightly optimistic , I do n't put it any stronger than that because I have been let down before and I do n't want to let myself go too far this time . ’
11 I do n't want to do that because I have a young family and I like living in Hoylake . ’
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