Example sentences of "[det] because of a " in BNC.

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1 We know this because of a telegram sent by Kirk at 2300 hrs that night to the State Department in Washington , asking " urgently " for advice [ KP 107 ] .
2 So he persuades his man with a natural talent for the proper administration of worldly affairs that to neglect this because of a preoccupation with spiritual meditation could be unwise .
3 Thirty one patients withdrew during the trial : four because of adverse events ( one receiving fluticasone propionate , three receiving prednisolone ) , 24 because of lack of improvement ( 12 in each group ) , one receiving fluticasone propionate because of poor compliance , one who did not complete the trial , and another because of a positive pregnancy test ( both receiving prednisolone ) .
4 On the other hand , I 've been as happy as a turkey in January , and all because of a story I spotted in a medical magazine , stating that regular lashings of oily fish cut sharply your chances of having a heart attack .
5 And that is how the Charge of the Light Brigade , the most celebrated and glorious calamity in British military history came about — all because of a failure in the effective use of grammar to make an appropriate connection with context .
6 Ring them up and say ‘ I hope you do n't mind me messing you about like this but I 've been thinking over your kind offer , and I realize I could fit it in after all because of a sudden change of circumstances at home and my mother 's coming down to help me out — oh , and if there 's a spare ticket — ’
7 It 's all because of a computer error at the Cheltenham based University Central Council on Admissions .
8 A holiday , which was n't going to happen because a travel firm went bust , has now been saved … all because of a chance conversation in a car-park .
9 Discussion groups meet , theses are written and moral messages are read into each line of the scripts and all because of a Cheltenham wine merchant .
10 All because of a brake that was
11 Is that because of a heightened awareness of the dangers of tube travel , or do statistics bear out the intuition that death by subterranean dismemberment is one of the current favourites ?
12 My consideration of difference originated in a turn to history in order to repudiate one such theory — specifically , that which construed homosexuality as an embrace of the same because of a fear of the different .
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