Example sentences of "[det] could not [be] " in BNC.

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1 This could not be more different from the cruel flinging of Mary Vetsera 's body by Rudolf in the Mayerling pas de deux with which MacMillan describes the Count 's tragic mental state .
2 He then drifted gloomily away , noting that this could not be ‘ an open-ended matter that you do in an idealistic whim ’ .
3 This could not be happening .
4 This could not be handled via temporary exception from part of the National Curriculum , referred to earlier ( see p. 118 ) , because a ‘ general direction ’ can only be issued if the head teacher considers that it is inappropriate for the child to follow the National Curriculum and in his opinion that situation is likely to change within six months .
5 ‘ Billykins , ’ she said ( surely this could not be the woman 's name ? ) ,
6 Who told you that this could not be ?
7 This could not be as our drug supplies were not coming through so well .
8 It was plain that this could not be regarded as a trust of the estate in favour of her sister , who was coheir , since the testator wanted not to dispose of his own money but on the pretext of advice to derogate from her rights by prohibiting her from making a will .
9 When a young worker offered one group the fact that in Germany workers had been given training to help people see themselves as not being ‘ simply cogs in a wheel ’ , it was suggested that this could not be done in Britain .
10 But this could not be done without noise , especially the last , and hearing it the defenders lit first torches and then large beacons along the walls and opened up with their guns .
11 This could not be said , however , for any of the gifted children : although many showed talents in various fields and carried these through into adult accomplishments , none achieved the very highest level of creativity seen in Cox 's subjects .
12 All this could not be done single-handed , and Lanfranc 's most important innovation was to bring new men from Bec and Caen to occupy all the main offices in the monastery at Canterbury , and to be ready for promotion wherever they were needed .
13 On the one hand , a half-promise to save a new-born country , and to show that one lot of people may not dispossess another lot merely by virtue of being better armed ; on the other hand , a growing realisation that this could not be achieved without a fight in which an unknown number of young Europeans and Americans would be asked to die in the name of misty-sounding things like compassion and principle .
14 I watched a man working on a special cookery book for a mother who is both blind and diabetic ; he made it so obvious that he valued the opportunity to make some reparation that I wonder whether more opportunities like this could not be created .
15 But this could not be so if calling these things ‘ good ’ were just to reiterate that they promote the survival of the species .
16 The proprietors could not do much more than launch a rather fragile settlement around Charleston , and even this could not be occupied continuously until 1681 .
17 This could not be used as a base for blocks
18 The significance of this could not be ignored .
19 It seemed to be the case that three divisions and one tank regiment had returned to Korea from Manchuria but this could not be verified .
20 Again , when Jews were refused ordination in the national protestant church in Germany during the Third Reich , the church split , for there were those who said that on principle ( whatever might be the case in the state ) this could not be in the church .
21 Turkey argued that this could not be done without a decision of the Mixed Commission .
22 It was matched , operationally , by General Erskine 's conviction that the Chinese border could be made impregnable and the coastline sealed off to prevent external aid reaching the Vietminh ; although it was admitted this could not be done with existing forces on the border .
23 Such a result would be so illogical , and so much out of tune with the extensive inquisitorial powers which are undeniably created by the Act , that Mr. Collins accepted that this could not be the meaning of section 2 .
24 Some consideration was given to whether the defect in Form N79 could be cured by this court under section 13 of the Act of 1960 or under R.S.C. , Ord. 59 , r. 10(3) , but it was held that this could not be done .
25 The RMI 's press officer , Sue Robinson , said the organisation was trying to improve standards but this could not be achieved overnight .
26 This Service would provide legal help to CABx and other social agencies , similar to that hitherto provided by solicitors to CABx on an honorary basis ; would establish close liaison between the local profession and CABx and other social services ; would provide oral advice for the public in cases that could be readily disposed of ; would maintain permanent advisory centres where necessary , offering advice and assistance short of proceedings or representation in court ; and would set up permanent local centres offering representation in magistrates ' courts and county courts and the conduct of litigation so far as this could not be absorbed by solicitors ' firms .
27 The rational part of his mind knew this could not be the case , and that it was most likely he 'd been travelling in circles .
28 However , he considered that , if the three elements within the relaxed exclusionary rule as formulated by Lord Browne-Wilkinson were understood and observed , this could not be the result .
29 And if it were unpredictable , then while it would have an immediate effect on output , this could not be prevented by government policy since the government would not be able to foresee the fall in aggregate demand .
30 Oh , this could not be happening — that she loved him so , and yet could not bear him to caress her !
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