Example sentences of "[det] point the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 If you 're a DOS user , you learn the technique on DOS , and then if you move to Windows at some point the icons are the same . ’
2 At some point the size of the enterprise may dictate that you think commercially rather than in terms of self-reliance .
3 At some point the interviewer will probably say , ‘ Is there anything that you would like to ask me ? ’
4 At some point the object spreads sufficiently for this approximation to break down , and the collective bow shock dissolves into separate bow shocks as the fragments accelerate away from one another .
5 I may have the idea that makes me start putting the brush strokes down , but at some point the canvas will take on a life of its own and lead me off in a direction I never expected to go .
6 The government hopes that at some point the Liberation Front can be persuaded to accept some form of autonomy short of independence , but that seems unlikely in the foreseeable future .
7 As for the first , disclosure is costly , and at some point the costs begin to outweigh the benefits of increased disclosure .
8 At this point the Headmaster resigned , to take up the Headmastership of Gresham 's School at Holt in Norfolk .
9 At this point the map can be sent to a hardcopy device such as a graphplotter , an electrostatic printer , an inkjet or matrix printer ( in descending order of quality and cost ) .
10 At this point the sons are painfully and traumatically initiated — that is , they are subjected to brutal assaults , frightening experiences , are deprived of their mothers and all normal support and , usually at the climax of these experiences , are symbolically castrated by means of some customary mutilation ( very often the rather close equivalent represented by circumcision , but otherwise by knocking out of teeth , pulling out of nails , loss of fingers , etc . ) .
11 At this point the runners in the junior race , which takes place just before the main race , turn round .
12 At this point the voltage drop across the emitter followers also increases causing a sudden small reduction in the available square wave voltage , which persists until the signal reverses .
13 While it is an oversimplification to view the first decade of operation as some kind of golden age , it is fair to say that until this point the EEC had worked fairly smoothly .
14 At this point the problem of context itself comes to the fore .
15 The enemy threatening that task is at this point the Philistines .
16 At this point the GP had felt that she could no longer help him , and she had given him the number of a marital counsellor .
17 At this point the interests of powers such as Britain , France , and the United States were identified with those of humanity as a whole .
18 At this point the Reporter does not have to account to anyone else .
19 Socially , at this point the significance of design as such is more or less lost : significance can only been seen in terms of problems solved or products produced .
20 At this point the alarm bells started ringing in the ears of the Middle Management along the coast , and mutiny was definitely on the cards amongst all grades of staff , not just the footplate men .
21 But at this point the story takes an abrupt turn , and takes us into territory that at first seems quite strange , beyond even our imagining , let alone our experience .
22 At this point the gunman became very agitated , said a spokeswoman for the TSB .
23 At this point the cycloaracylation process was discovered by Bayer , which made it possible to produce this type of substance .
24 At this point the butcher , turning to the vultures , calls : ‘ Shoo …
25 At this point the stunt that was being pulled off in the music found its visual equivalent rising to meet it .
26 ‘ They were about to , but at this point the man , seeing what had happened , panicked and made a run for it himself on foot .
27 At this point the contact should end .
28 At this point the school had to make a decision about the priority which this activity was to be given in the school 's development .
29 At this point the paths diverge .
30 At this point the effects of his negligence were overtaken by the effects of the second tort ( the armed robbery ) .
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