Example sentences of "[det] will not [verb] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Come away , the pair of you , this 'll not get the work done .
2 I hope this will not lead to the whip being banned .
3 Moreover , the incentive to the departmental manager will completely disappear when he/she realises that there is no virement : Thus , even if he can reduce his capital charge by £500 per month , this will not give him an extra £300 to spend on other items .
4 But it can be argued that this will not give a quick cash flow fix at present due to the difficulty of disposing of a lease .
5 If it is to work effectively it will require the good will of Mr , who , in all discussion today has shown a most responsible attitude and I have no reason to believe that this will not continue .
6 But even if the critics are right , and the quality of life for these animals can be improved , this will not change the system in any fundamental way .
7 This will not change , but the Regional Committees will be alerted to the possible advantages of relating Regional and National School selections for those governing bodies presenting a convincing case .
8 This will not change the filing sequence .
9 If the aim is to make the manufacturing industries more efficient , this will not create jobs .
10 But Mrs Kinghan fears this will not end the racket .
11 Yet this will not rule out our taking seriously the ‘ preferences ’ of animals themselves ( using the term in the sense of the attenuated language-game proper to them ) .
12 They have less than £3,000 savings so this will not affect their rebate .
13 Keep the opened jar in the refrigerator ; the tomatoes are packed in olive oil which may become cloudy , but this will not affect the flavour .
14 This will not affect the throttle channel ( Fig. 2.3 ) .
15 It becomes irrelevant that the two divisions are part of one company ; each division will seek to find the volume of trade that maximises its profits , and this will not affect the other division .
16 Although there are plans to scale down the additional pension , this will not affect anyone retiring before 1998 and will only marginally affect those retiring by 2009 .
17 This will not affect anyone who was already contributing to a pension plan prior to July 1988 unless , that is , they actually wish to change .
18 But this will not affect the pace of product development work .
19 This will not affect your rights to act independently , although I would encourage you to take advice from Mr Popham since he is very experienced in protecting the interests of local residents/community groups in cases where major developments are being proposed .
20 Since we shall be concerned only with measurements in the NIR this will not affect us here , but it should be noted that a combination of NIR and red reflectance is usually considered to give better results than in the NIR alone , and in this case the presence of senescent material would need to be considered .
21 This will not affect the program operation .
22 This will not affect money supply since it involves no sterling transactions and hence will not affect banks ' sterling deposits .
23 However , this will not preclude other world faiths from that particular discrete area of the curriculum should their introduction be appropriate to the childrens ' experience or the particular theme , topic or unit of work being studied .
24 The cost of unsold or unconsumed stocks will have been incurred in the expectation of future revenue , and when this will not arise until a later year it is appropriate to carry forward this cost to be matched with the revenue when it arises .
25 One single-handed edged weapon — not a two-handed weapon or an axe — can be sharpened with this tool , and this act drains the last magic from it ( other weapons can be sharpened subsequently , but this will not enchant them ) .
26 Of course , knowing this will not tell us which syllables in a word or utterance should be weak — that is something we look at in later chapters — but it will give us a rough guide to the correct pronunciation of weak syllables .
27 This will not benefit the buyer if all the shares are taken up when the transferor is compelled to make a pre-emptive offer , but it does not follow that all of them will be taken up and , if not , the transferee has a better claim to those shares not taken up than has the transferor .
28 This will not do , for it is no different from saying that when one experiences ‘ red ’ one thinks or conceives of the colour , whereas the point of the theory was to explain what such thinking , or conceiving , is .
29 That this will not do is what I have just argued .
30 This will not do , for two reasons .
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