Example sentences of "[det] his [noun pl] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Radcliffe and half his friends have ! ’
2 Boxing mostly on the east coast , Lewis had half his contests restricted by law to no-decision contests .
3 All his wires gone ! ‘
4 He recently drew up an ethics policy for United Biscuits , which he expects all his managers to endorse , because ‘ as a business becomes bigger and bigger — we now have operations in Japan , America and Belgium as well as the UK — I think the family ethics drawn up by the founders can gradually get eroded or watered down . ’
5 The coins quietened the men 's agitation in the way that gold can , and Rincewind was amazed to find , half a minute later , that he was holding a little glass portrait of Twoflower wielding a huge notched sword and smiling as though all his dreams had come true .
6 Always hovering like a vulture around the vulnerable , pressing on them the drinks and fattening foods to make all his dreams come true .
7 for three numbers the Maltese heavy stared at him — while all his henchmen stood at the back of the club watching him watching John .
8 we 're gon na be getting all his marbles getting ready for going to the church .
9 Earlier , he had been amazed by the amount of sludge being discharged by his pores , so before going back to the hot-rooms , he went to the wash handbasin and scrubbed his face with a will , and imagined all his blackheads disappearing down the drain along with the waste water .
10 She added : ‘ He is unable to read a script and has all his lines put on a tape by my 14-year-old niece , Melissa , and learns them from that . ’
11 But there are signs that not all his contemporaries saw the relationship in such simple terms .
12 It would hardly be an exaggeration to say that there is more variety of treatment , as well as a greater display of creative power , in Monteverdi 's ‘ madrigals ’ than in the similar compositions of all his contemporaries put together .
13 Souness is partly to blame — he has a big L plate and not all his buys have been successes .
14 They 've got all his tablets sorted for him for coming home .
15 On the other hand , Minter had evidently found no skeleton in his cupboard , for all his efforts to do so .
16 All his efforts had failed when one day he saw a copy in his local library in a corner of discarded books .
17 But the central fortress of Châteauroux itself , under the command of Philip 's most famous knight , William des Barres , resisted all his efforts to capture it .
18 Paradoxically , Labour should wish Major well in all his efforts to get Britain out of recession and to decrease unemployment , as this will unleash other pressures that could help the party .
19 In 1787 Goethe ( then artistic director of the Weimar theatre , and author of a few similar plays ) remarked ruefully that Die Entführung had put paid to all his efforts to keep the Singspiel simple and modest .
20 As his fame and fortune grew , she never became ostentatious and refused all his efforts to encourage her into a more luxurious life .
21 MacMillan 's The Burrow , based on the real diary of Anne Frank , was possibly the most explicit and moving of all his efforts to depict reality in terms of dance ( see page 30 ) .
22 For several seconds , his brain refused to function , resisting all his efforts to impose the reassuring certainties of time and place .
23 He fails with all his devices to attract Alison : where Nicholas succeeds with his direct and unambiguous seizure of Alison ( 3276 – 8 ) .
24 All his mates got
25 Ted laughs at her , putting on her warpaint he calls it , but he 's pleased enough when all his mates ogle her down the pub .
26 All his sons died before him , as well as his adored first wife .
27 Yeah , but I mean he 's done all his windows has n't he , he 's adapted all his windows from that er
28 According to his approving mother , Mrs Jacqui Stallone , Miss Jennifer has a surgically-enlarged bosom because ‘ all his women have had big busts and he likes that . ’
29 One glimpse brought all his prejudices bubbling up from their hidden depths .
30 All his memoranda had been circulated and should have been digested by now .
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