Example sentences of "[det] that we could " in BNC.

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1 If there were , for instance , a conceptual link between mental state and behaviour such that we could not conceive of the behaviour being present without the ( or some ) mental state , the argument from analogy would be unnecessary .
2 I think I have to make the point to you that we are planning to roughly double the size of the er airforce equipment programme er between now and the end of the century , a very substantial chunk of that is E F two thousand and its er associated weapon systems and , you know , one has to frankly , take er a view on priorities er in the light of the strategic requirement and given the er extent of the threat as we see it , the possibility of using er of taking part in out of area operations in coalitions , that kind of thing , that was the judgement we took er the medium term priorities were such that we could n't afford the first er stage of A M S A M.
3 ‘ There was no-one in the car and cattle had churned the ground so much that we could not with certainty detect footprints in the vicinity of the car 's entry into the water .
4 See we we have an awful lot of problems , I mean , not only the question of breaking into one 's home things like , car parking or things of a very high accident risk whereas , if we had a beat officer , at least we could set up some sort of local liaison , in so much that we could tell him about our sort of problems , and perhaps between us , resolve them .
5 One lad with us , a genuine Cockney , finished up by explaining to this ( probably normally ) mild-mannered Italian who spoke no English at all that we could n't pay because we were ‘ borassic ’ .
6 At first our new billet appeared all that we could desire , and we revelled in the luxury of the sitting-room .
7 He has n't found anywhere at all that we could all of us live together .
8 A Dry White Season is all that we could ask of a Hollywood movie about South Africa .
9 Oh well we had no feelings about it because I really was n't an Old Harlow person , nor was my husband and all that we could think about it was that it would be very good for the area , it would erm , bring work and employment and everything like that , but of course Old Harlow people were very , you know , a lot of them were very against it and yet , in the end , the Harlow High Street shops was , made a fortune in those first few years , you know , when there was nothing else and the , the Old Harlow High Street was n't of course paved over in those days , anything like that and it , it was a narrow , narrow high street , it was almost like taking your life in your hands walking down there because there were crowds of people obviously with all this influx of community and they er the main Chelmsford road used to come up through there , so it was a , a hell , sort of a traffic hazard really .
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