Example sentences of "[det] that [pers pn] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 when when they stop and the time goes on what 's the time between this that they go
2 But the Junior also felt a little odd , the playing area being rather off to one side , so Hamer would say it 's this that they 've looked to address — but I still think they could have done it better .
3 It was probably not long after this that they made their peace with the Yorkists and entered Gloucester 's service .
4 It was probably not long after this that they made their peace with the Yorkists and entered Gloucester 's service .
5 And to cap it all , it had to be on a case as weird as this that they sent him a Substitute Prosecutor who watched his performance with amused detachment .
6 But anyway , they allowed this that they did n't have any further use for it that I could have it .
7 Add to all this that they endow themselves with rightness and send their mutual corroboration cascading through all levels of our information systems .
8 I do not mean by this that they have had to invent new beliefs , but they do have to adopt the voluntary camaraderie of the sects .
9 But it does not follow from this that they have identical perceptual experiences .
10 Some , such as Schmenner ( 1987 ) , feel so strongly about this that they talk of ‘ the black holes of cost accounting ’ .
11 We are so sure of this that we go out confidently into the hills , or sail away in boats armed only with a magnetic compass , certain that it will always point in the same north-south direction , so we can judge our own direction of travel from it .
12 Then you tell the story of the murder and the subsequent investigation , adroitly working in the fact that there was a red light shining at the vital time and place , using one of the ways of tricking your reader into " noticing and not noticing " this that we looked at in the previous chapter , and you also harp like mad on the impossibility of a person in a black dress or suit having been on hand at the moment the murder was committed .
13 A small proportion of the absorbed light will sometimes be re-radiated and it is this that we term the fluorescence .
14 but at the same time I would want to afford er , you as heads of departments er er everybody 's heads of department a little bit of leeway what i what if , what wa wa we have to be careful about this that we set a standard but allow a little leeway because all departments are slightly different and want to approach things
15 It 's at times like this that we say ‘ thank goodness for PR Sprays ’ , the convenient ‘ alternative ’ to ice which cools the skin and offers immediate relief to the pained area .
16 We said we said at the start of this that we did enough training .
17 After all , it is this that we want to increase , so let's not go against anything you know already .
18 South Africa opened an " interests office " in Windhoek on Dec. 13 , 1989 , offering a full range of consular services , including issue of passports and visas ; the deputy head of the office said : " South Africa demonstrates by this that we want to be good neighbours and hope it will be possible to retain normal and friendly relations with the neighbouring state . "
19 It is this that we have been displaying and using in publications .
20 Its why I say because of this that we have a stake in terms of our own enlightened self-interest in understanding better developing countries .
21 Now we have to make sure after a win like this that we do n't slip up at Wimbledon next week . ’
22 Stevenson commented on this that we disagree in attitude , but not ( necessarily ) in belief , and in any case , for attitudinism , since the two statements express opposite attitudes , they are incompatible in much the same way as that in which statements which express opposite beliefs are .
23 However , where the units are overlapping and non-hierarchical the problem is more complex and it is this that we investigate here .
24 It is this that we examine in the next section .
25 It was at times like this that I felt very small in the landscape .
26 It is at times like this that I regret not doing a scientific 0-level and becoming a brain surgeon so that no one would ask me to wash up or scrub floors .
27 It is this that I mean when I talk metaphorically about " wandering " through Biomorph Land .
28 The only other thing I have to put to you is this that I 've already put to er what we allege went on in that bedroom .
29 It was through the need to obtain money for this that I took the part-time job with Mrs Morton and her husband , Weary Willy .
30 I have always counted on my fingers and still do and I had been so nervous about this that I went to classes with the ATC in Darrowby before my call-up , dredging from my schooldays horrific calculations about trains passing each other at different speeds and water running in and out of bath tubs .
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