Example sentences of "[det] he [vb past] for " in BNC.

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1 Hahnemann therefore had to move frequently as restrictions on his practice were imposed in one town after another , but despite this he lectured for a time on homoeopathy in the University of Leipzig and he had a large band of influential patrons and supporters as well as a number of able and gifted pupils .
2 Shortly after this he paid for it by cheque and on request signed a statement that property in the van was not to pass to him until the cheque was cleared .
3 There was such regret , such a bleakness in his eyes that Lissa turned away , her soul crying out in anguish because it was plain for anyone to see how much he cared for this woman who had betrayed him .
4 But only dimly , since she was wrapped in Lucenzo 's arms , and he was madly kissing her face and muttering loving words , holding her as if he never intended to let her go , his face now showing all he felt for her ; his undying love .
5 Not when she loved him , and when he had kissed someone else already tonight , and when all he felt for her was … whatever he did feel .
6 When he did try to make some real contribution to society , it seemed that all he got for his trouble was The Prince was too sensitive , too intelligent , to play the part mapped out for him , the part that his courtiers were there to help maintain .
7 ‘ George Harrison taught me that — I was at his house , and I noticed that all he had for breakfast was fresh fruit .
8 All he wanted , all he hoped for now was to be left alone to come to terms with his plight .
9 He said he did n't really know ; it was all so bloody complicated , all he knew for sure was there were two types , aggressive and non-aggressive ; one was curable and one was n't and he — thank God — had the one that was .
10 All he knew for sure was that the stuff went off-planet .
11 Her father had been glad to get out to the woods where he led a gang , made a living and found , in his daughter Kitty , all he wanted for softer pleasures .
12 I shut him up in my cellar with all he needed for painting and a bottle of cognac , and my maid , who was a very pretty girl , served as his model .
13 That 's all he needed for everything to come pouring out .
14 Whether we consider the rarity of the subjects , the speciousness of those he selected for his purpose , or the general production of the whole , England had not before produced any work , except the Hortus Elthamensis or Catesby 's Carolina , so superb and extensive , and in one respect Miller 's had an advantage , as they exhibited much more perfectly the separate figures of parts of fructification .
15 Elinor felt privileged to be one of his girlfriends for she was aware how little he cared for women and how he would sometimes wince when sitting next to one .
16 ‘ After that he lived for our visits and started repeating ‘ Stroke , stroke , stroke ’ about six times .
17 With that he headed for the garden gate , rubbing his hands on a rag .
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