Example sentences of "[det] be that [conj] " in BNC.

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1 The difficulty with this is that unless there are well-established efficiency measures for the services of the department neither it nor its users will know whether they are getting value for money .
2 The snag to this is that although a pan-head can rotate through a full circle , your hips are limited to about a quarter of this movement .
3 One consequence of this is that although the observations suggest that the cloud was centred on the Equator , the model simulates a cloud at about 10°N , because it does not allow for rapid transport of the cloud into the tropics and Southern Hemisphere .
4 The problem with this is that although all that shows in column C is a time , the cell really contains the whole date serial number and this will mess up the arithmetic discussed later ( see Step 8 ) to calculate duration .
5 An important implication of this is that while a particular situation may give rise to various differing , and sometimes conflicting needs ( the needs of teachers , parents , other pupils , the LEA and indeed the LEA 's professional advisers ) , the conceptual focus upon the child encouraged by the Act inhibits the development of a theoretical framework within which the interplay of needs can be examined .
6 The effect of this is that while financial intermediaries have been given greater freedom to broaden the range of financial services they may offer , this relaxation has been compensated for by regulating each individual sector more thoroughly .
7 The advantage of this is that since the signal position remains the same the signal too is unchanged .
8 In my opinion , the explanation for this is that until the vernal equinox ( 21 March ) the length of the day increases from north to south in the Northern Hemisphere .
9 This is that whilst nuclear plants may be more expensive than other types to construct in the first place , they are potentially very cheap to run .
10 The result of all this is that because of the divergence of Belfast English from other varieties and the internal divergence within it , we do not know beforehand what is the correct lexical input to any phonological variable , we do not necessarily know what the variants of the variable are , and we may not be at all certain about what precisely might count as a variable .
11 Well I would expect that the Prime Minister would , I think this nonsense that is behind all this is that because I am talking to Gerry Adams , they do n't want to be seen to be talking to me because it looks this fingerprint argument
12 Another way of putting this is that where their activities are not marginal , they tend to be very responsive to the TNCs .
13 The reason for this is that as the core begins to saturate , the voltage available for saturation falls , tending to slow down the approach to saturation .
14 The reason for this is that as soon as the opportunities for investing in fixed capital begins to diminish — mainly because the capacity for producing consumer goods has been substantially expanded — any further growth in the production of consumer goods would reduce their price , and — cet. par .
15 I do n't mind whether I 'm English or Irish , but the thing about this is that as I was there till I was about fifteen or sixteen , it rubbed off on me a lot the whole atmosphere of Ireland .
16 One interpretation of this is that as the nationalized industries move closer to some form of privatization so their published financial information appears to become closer and closer to the commercial practice of publishing only that which is required , and no more .
17 The advantage of this is that when you start gigging , you have someone out front who knows your songs , and who can either mix your sound or at least keep an eye on the house engineer .
18 This is that when we look at the evolution of cultural traits and at their survival value , we must be clear whose survival we are talking about .
19 The result of this is that when line ‘ C ’ is fixed , the rate of turn brought about by the lateral position of the connecting ring is reduced when the ring is moved up , and increased when the ring is moved down .
20 What we mean by this is that when the pupils feel themselves put down , treated without ‘ seriousness ’ , they behave in such a way as to restore themselves to the status of mature beings .
21 A common result of this is that when the philosophers deny autonomy to women , they do so for the same sorts of reason that they deny it to children and cite lack of rationality , capriciousness and vulnerability among their characteristics .
22 The practical result of this is that when we study the individual child we see a succession of stages of development which from the point of view of the id are just as they should be and — because the id is the oldest , most fundamental and , from the point of view of the instinctual drives which originate it , the most important agency — are just what they should be .
23 The corollary of this is that if you absolutely love certain items like cake or chips , do not ban them from your life for ever , not even for a week .
24 The counter-claim to this is that if your goods and services are competitive future trade will not be lost because you have a reasonable and commonsense approach to limiting credit orders to a certain size .
25 The trouble with this is that if it did n't work it might be because the conditions and catalysts are wrong .
26 Evidence of this is that if we attempt to justify them no obvious answer is forthcoming .
27 The real advantage of all this is that if your fingers are trained to type /FS in order to save a file , the same command will still work in 1-2-3 for Windows .
28 The reason for this is that if you put the female pupae in the tube before they hatch to the adult stage , you will ensure that females mate only with the type of male you put in the tube .
29 The conclusion derived from this is that if an object is such that in principle it can not be referred to directly and unequivocally with a simple symbol , only described , then it can not qualify as a fundamental ontological existent .
30 The difficulty with this is that if Individuals-do not choose consciously to subvert democracy — as Mills has argued — why is it that the military and the large corporations as institutions have to dominate the political system and subvert liberal democracy ?
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