Example sentences of "[det] be that by " in BNC.

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1 A main reason for this is that by comparison its history is so brief .
2 The consequence of this was that by the end of the decade the Unilever detergent and one other brand had captured 90 per cent of the market in Barbados .
3 Unfortunately , the end result of it all was that by the '60s Hawaiian music was regarded with pretty much universal contempt .
4 And the outcome of that was that by the time the boys reached the hut where they lived with their grandfather , they had clean forgotten what the sun-god told them to do .
5 The result of that was that by the time I 'd rushed across the road , dashed up the stair well found the place , dashed up the stairs , I was out of breath and er had n't composed myself and I just res resembled a quivering blob that er
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