Example sentences of "[det] be that [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Wh what erm what ye what year would this be that you sort of s
2 The two main reasons given for this were that it was too ambitious and it was too far removed from bureaux experience until too late in its development .
3 One of the impressive things about all this is that everyone agrees about his modesty , his lack of show .
4 The effect of this is that nobody , some City professionals included , really knows much about any of them .
5 An important consequence of this is that one can observe what is called interference between two sets of waves or particles .
6 The downside to this is that they lose valuable advertising space on television programmes such as Saturday Superstore .
7 An obvious extension of this is that they should attempt to break down the isolation between practitioners in different countries .
8 Partners are jointly and severally liable for a partnership 's debts , and their dealings with each other require the utmost good faith ; implicit in this is that they all know each other , including their strengths and weaknesses .
9 The main reason for this is that they do n't know how to and probably neither do a lot of their English solicitors .
10 The logical consequence of this is that they will on occasion play unattractive parts !
11 Part of the reason for this is that they make the interpretation of information derived from assessments unproblematical .
12 What is interesting about this is that they clearly do not know the history of the form ; they are unaware that the rule was made so rigidly in the first place to suit the whims of anti-feminists .
13 The reason I say this is that they dive just like a peregrine , folding their wings and plummeting like an arrow into the sea to catch their prey .
14 In every competition , they believe the odds are against them and one consequence of this is that they always know that they have ‘ to be twice as good ’ and , as indicated in this book 's theme , ‘ try twice as hard ’ .
15 The counterpart to this is that they are naturally limited intellectually and so not actively encouraged to excel in academic and the more cerebral pursuits and , of course , they do not .
16 What 's bad about this is that they do n't take drugs — they 've never touched them — but they want to sell them .
17 This is that they have a different emphasis according to whether they are being applied to consumer markets or industrial markets .
18 The only reason I can suggest for this is that they may have ‘ member get member fatigue ’ ; ie it has been used very often in the past and now sees diminishing returns .
19 The immediate significance of this is that they are eligible for discount at the Bank of England .
20 You are probably aware that the Marauders hold the most physical area sales meetings in the UK , if not on Planet Earth : the reason for this is that they are then able to carry out the most professional and demanding surveys to get the sale .
21 Erm one of the problems fish have on this is that they lay their eggs in gravel or something like that and where males have their own nest sometimes another male comes along and er takes it over , hijacks it piracy and interestingly enough what happens in those situations a pirate male will come in , displace the existing male from his nest and fertilize a few eggs and then buzz off .
22 The reason the vendor shareholders may be willing to accept this is that they can defer their capital gains tax liability deriving from the disposal of their Target shares if s135 TCGA 1992 is satisfied and clearance under s138 is obtained .
23 The problem that the Tories have with this is that they still appear on the unemployment figures .
24 Now one of the interesting things about this is that they 've worked out , in order to erm achieve our sales forecast , erm the impact of recruitment for each branch is that we need a net growth in branch of one plus one for every er on every month .
25 The reason why we are embarrassed to admit this is that we have lived in an age when the self-sufficiency , the autonomy of poems has been elevated into dogma .
26 I suppose my main concern in all this is that we employ thirty-three thousand people and their lives are being considerably upset by this activity and I feel
27 ‘ The nice thing about fighting a seat like this is that we ca n't lose since we 're coming from rock bottom .
28 What results from this is that we might be led to think that the problem with defining God is that there is a whole range of ideas about the divine being that tend to produce no very clear overall picture .
29 We have divorced ourselves from the landscape and the countryside and one of the implications of this is that we are apt to see our visits to ancient sites from the perspective of the tourist — as a spectacle .
30 The obvious explanation of this is that we have learned subliminally that certain factors , in combination , indicate that one place is safe for us while another is not .
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