Example sentences of "[vb pp] up [prep] each " in BNC.

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1 He tells her , too , about the toy drawer in which the pencil-case was originally lost , and the characteristic choking dusty smell it would develop as the toys in it became mixed up with each other to form a kind of solid pudding , which had to be taken out at the end of each school holidays , and separated once again into its components .
2 Added up for each of our 800,000 sows , this would take the British herd to the moon and back 30 times .
3 The concept of the provings : the way in which the drug pictures are built up for each remedy .
4 A resource box can be built up for each history unit .
5 Corpora were built up in each case to over 10,000 words , then domain-specific collocation dictionaries compiled using the method described earlier .
6 By the use of one-way valves , air pressure can be built up in each chamber in turn by moving the piston back and forth .
7 Back in the days of bare-knuckle bouts the referee scratched a line in the dirt and fighters shaped up to each other by ‘ toeing ’ this line .
8 It is known as matrix modelling because it assumes that the price of a bond is made up from each component of relative value taken separately .
9 First , a number of rules were specified about the use of rewards and punishers and it was suggested that a reward ‘ menu ’ be drawn up for each intervention in order that the child does not become satiated by a single type of reward which could then lose its reinforcing properties .
10 They had opened up to each other .
11 The picture plane is further stressed by the device of dropping the small doors or openings below the bases of the buildings , and by the way in which some of the forms are opened up into each other and fused .
12 Inside the objects and figures the planes begin to be opened up into each other more fully and are less clearly differentiated than hitherto .
13 True , there had been a few unhappy minutes when they 'd been having coffee in Karlovy Vary when she and Ven had reared up at each other .
14 The pregnant sentence ‘ The economy of Revelation is realized by deeds and words , which are intrinsically bound up with each other ’ ( DV 2 ) challenges two basic ‘ conservative ’ positions : the fear of allowing historical development in our understanding of divine truth , and the theory of separate sources of revelation .
15 For in fact political theories , doctrines or ideologies , and political action are inextricably bound up with each other .
16 ‘ It makes you understand that you are inextricably bound up with each other and that your fortunes depend on one another .
17 It makes you understand that you are inextricably bound up with each other and that your fortunes depend on one another .
18 A problem report will be set up for each reported problem .
19 This is illustrated in the following drill using Spanish : This type of drill would have to be set up for each person , number , tense and verb class , and be thoroughly drilled in order to gain automatic control of the association of pronoun and verb ending .
20 Separate drills need to be set up for each noun class to learn its associated affixes .
21 Individual project boards have been set up for each area of market testing .
22 A register of licensed auditors is to be set up for each member state .
23 Special post boxes will be set up at each walk to receive the postcards .
24 An additional , optional logical name may be set up by each user if he or she wishes to store cached information from one LIFESPAN logon session to another .
25 New Mental Health Tribunals were set up in each health region to deal with any complaints arising from compulsory admission procedures .
26 We have the president of the board of trade and industry making a stirring speech and saying that four hundred and forty proposals as a result of the booklet called cutting red tape were either being implemented or under active consideration and he talked about the explanatory guide to the bill , the new scrutiny committee that might be set up in each house , he spoke about the business task forces that had made over six hundred recommendations the debate I thought heralded was er er I thought the debate heralded er er a new age where over zealous officialdom would be a thing of the past .
27 Excise duties are taxes on specific home-produced or imported goods , with ‘ cigarettes , booze and petrol ’ being the usual suspects to be rounded up on each Budget day .
28 There seemed to be crowds of people lined up on each side of the door and lots were already seated inside the church waiting for the coffin to enter .
29 Very often the fossil bones may be broken in place by slight earth movements but with the pieces of bone still lined up with each other , only to fall apart during later transport or during excavation .
30 Publishers are also being invited to pay for four or five copies of a magazine to be lined up against each other along a shelf , so the title appears to be a fast seller — a common US practice .
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