Example sentences of "[vb pp] up [conj] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 Her reactions seemed permanently mixed up while she was with Roman …
2 ‘ His heart 's in the right place but he 's a bit mixed up so we 'll have to give him time . ’
3 Erm , well Spencer was a great great great bloke from many points of view but er unfortunately his ideas of er evolution were er mixed up as it were .
4 Yeah , I suppose I was thinking , I , I always get mixed up when you say psychoanalysis
5 Unfortunately one day when it was earlier on he , he got his commands mixed up and we was m marching down the yard and the drive , and we was marching towards the factory up and down and right wheel and about turn , left wheel , basic foot drill you know it had been going for about ten minutes and all and we was going down towards the factory and erm we kept on going , we was getting close to the factory and he , he he forgot his words forgot what er command he wanted to give and he shouted stop you 'll be in the bloody factory in a minute instead of sa shouting halt , you know , he , he got flummoxed .
6 Then it 's very hard for the audience or people reading the play to pick anything up from it because it 's all mixed up and it 's just an amalgam of
7 They had er his name was Jimmy they had er well one used t one old gentleman used to be a yes and his name was Jimmy , the waiter , that 's right I , I get a , I have to think because I , I sometimes get mixed up and I 'm at Cambridge and you see it was a long time ago , you see , so , since I was young and I was then .
8 Gazzer 's head was wrenched up until it crashed into the back of the seat .
9 A little bit I think that he was just concerned that perhaps there might 've been other people who might 've wanted to come and if people had rung up and you had had a waiting list something could 've been done about it
10 Even to play with a pick I would have to do the same thing , like Phil Lynott did , whereas to play with my fingers in a heavy metal kind of way , as I normally do , I have to have the bass quite low or else my wrist gets mangled up and I start having problems with tendonitis .
11 But now the ring leader Smyth Harper , 16 , has owned up that they invented the story for a laugh .
12 IBM Corp has agreed to pay the US government $14.8m to settle that potential False Claims Act civil suit after IBM admitted to providing reconditioned or remanufactured computer equipment to the US government between 1980 and 1990 , contrary to contract provisions — under the contract , IBM was required to notify the government prior to delivery of anything other than new equipment , and the investigation revealed that IBM delivered approximately 15,000 reconditioned or remanufactured machines to the government ; IBM voluntarily owned up that it might not have fulfilled its obligations under the contract after conducting an internal audit .
13 Lately he had always seemed to start the day with a broken window-pane , and then suddenly one morning the front of his shop was boarded up and we never saw Mr Schultz again .
14 Well I hope there 's nobody in Coulson House because it 's boarded up and I can not see how you get a vacant bed in Coulson House and this is this exercise .
15 Vincent had not tumed up and he wondered what he could possibly say to him when — or if — he did .
16 But like , I got the mirror down and like , I looked at it and whether it was the light or whether it just had n't come up cos it was only like , a few seconds afterwards
17 By noon the sun has come up and it 's getting very warm ; the orchard appears peaceful , the sound of guns seem a long distance away .
18 I was going to go down and take him , but — well , something 's come up and I ca n't .
19 The rain had let up and we walked at first , then as the first drops turned into a steady drizzle , we took a cab .
20 If Lotta had n't made her entry on cue and Rune had decided to prolong the specious friendship he had conjured up until she had duly appeared on the scene …
21 Susan had looked up as she felt his glance and had smiled towards him before moving to the group by the window .
22 Lapsing into silence , she sipped her now unwanted coffee and only looked up when he came to sit opposite her , a large plate of bacon and eggs before him .
23 We go two lads there with hardly any work on me and Jan are alright now we got a third person Graham has n't got much on and er Ri Richard 's scraping round for work , so of course my ears pricked up like so I thought , Mike sensed that I 'd looked up and he looked at me and er so I just looked back he said God , God had never invented a woman with small ears !
24 A wild idea occurred to him — why did n't he just get his spare shirts and the few pieces that he 'd picked up while he 'd been staying here , throw them all into a bag , and jump on a train or a bus to present himself on their doorstep ?
25 The auditors picked up that we had a pink purchase order form which was neither a commissioning letter nor a contract .
26 He said when Mr McKay 's sick note was sent in it was not picked up that it had anything to do with the accident .
27 Just wait Tim cos you 've got to wait till you 've got the receiver picked up before you start dialling anything .
28 The only thing he 's picked up since we 've had him , is me name .
29 A cold wind had picked up since she had arrived at the bar and she rubbed her arms quickly before picking her way through a sea of discarded newspaper to a metal drum and ducked down behind it , her eyes riveted on the door .
30 Bookings of the ten-year package , fixed at 8.99 per cent for those borrowing up to 90 per cent , have been steady since its launch and have picked up since it featured in Money Mail recently .
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