Example sentences of "[vb pp] so that in " in BNC.

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1 The serial usage is arranged so that in the first half , the ‘ O ’ , ‘ I ’ , ‘ R ’ , and ‘ RI ’ versions are all used at once , as follows : Violin 1 — ‘ O ’ beginning on C ; Violin 2 — ‘ R ’ of the same series as that of Violin 1 ; Viola — ‘ RI ’ of the series beginning on B♭ ; Cello — ‘ I ’ of the series beginning on B♭ .
2 We will discover whether there is a real commitment or whether it is simply words which they hope that the Scottish public will forget were ever uttered so that in the fullness of time they can shunt the companies off to the private sector to do with them as it will .
3 Waiting list initiatives have had exactly the same effect — because money was diverted to solve a politically sensitive problem , health care rationing priorities have been distorted so that in some cases cash rather than clinical need dictates who gets treated .
4 Strict compliance is needed so that in the case of E and S Ruben Ltd v Faine Bros and Co Ltd [ 1949 ] 1 KB 254 , the buyers were held entitled to reject rolls of rubber which , unlike the sample shown , were crinkly and hard .
5 The company was enjoying a phase during which new products were constantly being introduced so that in January 1981 , partly to keep customers aware of the ever-expanding range and also to enlarge the buying circle , the company initiated twice yearly catalogues .
6 Animals that are too aggressive , too daring , or too timid for their own good in terms of reproduction are gradually eliminated so that in a stable environment the median values tend to become the population norms .
7 you go or the person who has been hypnotized so that in the most extreme cases , as we know , the hypnotized person lapses into a kind of trance , whether a kind of sleeping automaton with no ego and their decisions are now being made for them by the hypnotist who tells them what do to and they , they act as a kind of a , a puppet as if their ego ha has been turned off al al al altogether and clearly there 's a parallel here with what Freud 's going on in the group .
8 In the birds , the brain has evolved so that in some groups it is comparable in size and complexity to that found in primates .
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