Example sentences of "[vb pp] from [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Once again , good evening ladies and gentlemen , and once again I 'd like to offer an especially warm welcome to this centenary lecture to those of you who 've come from outside the university .
2 Several seconds passed before Isabel realised her name had come from beyond the wall and not from the man whose fingers still gently caressed her cheek .
3 She had come from across the county in Southend .
4 At the time , the proposal was plausible although , of course , it still ducked the issue of where the spores had come from in the first place .
5 An explorer who does not compile maps as he or she proceeds is likely to end up going round in circles ; likewise , a society that does not know where it has come from in the past has no chance of knowing where it is going in the future .
6 We 've heard a lot this morning er about the merits of client server and where it 's come from in the last five years .
7 Finance has always been a headache for a group whose adherents have often come from amongst the poorest strata of society .
8 Dr Murdoch resigned from the British Medical Association over its attitude to the Arthur case , but criticism has also come from within the BMA .
9 Most of the resources for this work have come from within the Division 's normal programme of research .
10 Its fast technique for assessing samples drilled from beneath the sea for oil companies is a commercial winner , and a go-ahead team under Dr John Bather is having to expand to keep pace with the demand .
11 Thirteen men were missing and search parties were organised from amongst the trapped men and sent out to look for them .
12 So now Marcus has been made an example of and locked up , and all for some crime committed from behind a desk .
13 It lay asleep on a piece of sacking the gardener had discarded from around the rose-bush he was planting .
14 Under sail the yacht can be enjoyed from behind the wheel in the spacious cockpit , or when the weather gets nasty there is a second steering station with complete instrumentation and controls under the dodger .
15 The orang-utan lineage appears to have originated from within the first trend , with further modifications of skull and postcrania , but with little change in environments .
16 On July 22 the search for survivors in Baguio city was abandoned by foreign rescue teams , but local volunteers continued the search and , as late as July 30 , a man was rescued from beneath the ruins of a hotel .
17 The ‘ milder day ’ remains a puzzle which can not be solved from within the poem .
18 The well-established practice , which helped to avoid wrongful identification and risks of libel action , should not be departed from for the benefit of the comfort and feelings of defendants .
19 It is said that it would be pointless for the justices to make an order that there should be no contact when that order can be overridden and departed from by the local authority with the agreement of the parent .
20 Mrs Cradock presented a banner , somebody recited an ode , there was great gaiety , and ‘ the festive board was not departed from until a late hour . ’
21 The new products are priced from at the equivalent of $17,800 to $128,000 , including software , and shipments are phased from late this month to early September .
22 While attempting to respond to the civil rights movement and to the pressure from the Wilson government in London , O'Neill was being threatened from within the Unionist camp .
23 While all the selection of text upon which commands may operate is done from within the window , only character and paragraph formatting commands , and ‘ toggle ’ commands ( page 5 ) , operate within it .
24 Superimposing can also be done from within the colour section , rather than from the INTEGRATE option on the main menu .
25 This can not be done from behind a desk as it requires direct observation of the operation , sometimes for an extended period , to find out what is actually done on site as well as what should be done .
26 The cuistots , three or four to a company , were generally selected from among the elderly , the poor shots and the poor soldiers .
27 up to ten knowledgeable people are selected from within the ranks of CPRW to form a Tourism Working Party ;
28 On the move : has transferred from to the personnel department .
29 A relatively static subject like this is best shot from off a tripod which would enable you to keep well back and work the zoom towards the telephoto end of the range for close-ups without risking spoiling your shots through camera-shake .
30 Chapter 2 by Bob Colenutt is written from within the political processes that structure the work of the Docklands Consultative Committee in monitoring the London Docklands Development Corporation ( DCC , 1990 ) .
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