Example sentences of "[vb pp] she in [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Whenever the two women were together , the conflict of loyalties had torn her in two .
2 He had first met her in 1938 , when she invited him to give a reading at the Student Movement House of which she was Warden .
3 He could have answered her in one word .
4 I 've seen her in that dress with the whole of the bar top covered in loose change , laboriously counting the coins , bagging the silver and copper coins separately .
5 but the , seen her in Real Men Face Me ?
6 Forgive me , Richard , it was my sister , I do n't know how she got your number , I have n't seen her in live years .
7 Never seen her in such a state .
8 Those who had seen her in this mood before faded quietly out of reach ; others got their fingers burnt .
9 Believe me , if I had seen her in any other place , I would have dismissed her as a witch from a mummer 's play .
10 Have n't seen her in quiet a while .
11 I was fourteen then , I 'd seen her in National Velvet , and had been barmy about her ever since .
12 She had a wonderful sense of period and could adapt an idea brilliantly but her lack of formal design training handicapped her in other ways .
13 The men had n't bothered her in any way .
14 Nobody had helped her in this wonderful , cultured city .
15 And as he held his finger to his lips , she remembered that he had told her in strict confidence that the complex belonged to him .
16 She had phoned in sick straight after she 'd got home that dreadful morning and spent the next couple of days trying to come to terms with what had happened , but there was no way she could ever accept what Luke had done , how he had used her in that unscrupulous way .
17 Basquiat 's estate , administered by his accountant father , still faces lawsuits from a dealer asking for $900,000 for three paintings Basquiat had promised her in 1982 but never delivered .
18 Mr Whitney gave that infamous interview with BBC Scotland 's Mary Marquis , in which he was widely seen to have patronised her in particular and Scots in general .
19 And the tension seemed to have affected her in other ways , too .
20 Now she told him that he had never understood her in any case .
21 As he moved away , Shannon sent a silent stream of curses after the mischievous imp in her soul which had landed her in this , desperately trying to remember the instructions she 'd skimmed through in the beginners ' ‘ learn-to-ski ’ handbook Kelly had given her .
22 He had found her in one of the outlying villages .
23 ‘ I 'm sorry we 've found her in this state , boy .
24 I 've just bathed her in cold water to get the temperature down cos she 's .
25 Constance had also fought her mother all the way when she was young and her personality was still forming , and then had somehow abandoned her in later life , when the need to fight had gone .
26 Dr Brunt , the Queen 's doctor in Aberdeen , treated her in 1986 after the fishbone scare .
27 Only I was just scared — I could have broken her in two with my bare hands and I was scared to death of her .
28 The , the interviewer the other day said that she was somebody stopped her in Sandy Row , at the bottom of Sandy Row ,
29 Now , absence paralysed her in sheer aching agony .
30 Every time Beth looked at him , the pain almost cut her in two .
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