Example sentences of "[vb pp] she the [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 She had n't taken part in the questioning but the others , Mair knew , would assume that that was because he had already told her the answers .
2 A hush of skirts had already told her the girls were coming down from upstairs .
3 He 'd taught her the tricks of his trade until by her own account she was better at it than he was .
4 When he had given her the keys and the egg , and had left her , she first put the egg away with great care , and then examined the house , and at last went into the forbidden room .
5 She remembered how he had given her the creeps .
6 He had just given her the chocolates and she had kissed him .
7 Obviously he 's now given her the facts and she 's still happy with him .
8 Then , too , she had felt rather shy of him since Christmas when he had given her the violets and had tried not to encourage his obvious interest in her .
9 Some Tory loyalist backbenchers said last night that this episode could not be compared to the attack on Mrs Thatcher by the then Sir Geoffrey Howe , which is acknowledged to have cost her the keys to No. 10 .
10 She was n't quite sure why the possibility that it was Luke Hunter who had sent her the flowers was so disturbing …
11 I have gave her the co-ordinates from the Emissary 's message , instructing her to drop down to Underlight as we neared that point .
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