Example sentences of "[vb pp] she [prep] [num] " in BNC.

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1 Whenever the two women were together , the conflict of loyalties had torn her in two .
2 For Small , getting out the magazine that had absorbed her for two years was the commitment , not this eccentric lurch into the unknown .
3 Yes , I erm I have met her on one or two occasions and erm the press image is
4 He had first met her in 1938 , when she invited him to give a reading at the Student Movement House of which she was Warden .
5 He could have answered her in one word .
6 Today Swindon Magistrates sentenced her to 3 months ' imprisonment .
7 I have n't seen her for two weeks now .
8 He had n't seen her for five years .
9 You must have seen her with one of them .
10 We 've had her for eight years . ’
11 He says yes , I 've had her for thirteen years , but I 'm building another one , also with a steam engine .
12 None of the nurses spoke to me , nothing , till 2 o'clock that afternoon , which I 'd had her at 7.30 in the morning …
13 And it was then she finally asked me a question that has bothered her for twenty years .
14 ‘ We 've only got her for five years , then she has to go back to the Foundling Hospital . ’
15 I went to my G P , having avoided her for fifteen years , having getting the old story every time you went well you must go on a diet !
16 Basquiat 's estate , administered by his accountant father , still faces lawsuits from a dealer asking for $900,000 for three paintings Basquiat had promised her in 1982 but never delivered .
17 The legislation looks forward to the settled agricultural life of Canaan — Israel 's rebelliousness had not yet condemned her to 40 years in the Sinai peninsula .
18 Earlier he had driven her to two tennis clubs to discuss membership .
19 He had found her in one of the outlying villages .
20 Hagans said he 'd known her for two years and they 'd met by appointment .
21 I 've known her for twenty odd years !
22 But erm , that 's Linda , and er , as I say I 've known her for seven years , you can have a bit of fun , she can take a joke , she 's got a good sense of humour , and nice to work with , and she 's nice to work with .
23 Dr Brunt , the Queen 's doctor in Aberdeen , treated her in 1986 after the fishbone scare .
24 Only I was just scared — I could have broken her in two with my bare hands and I was scared to death of her .
25 She was accustomed to exercise for , each morning for the past two weeks , Sharpe had saddled her at three o'clock , then ridden her south to watch the dawn break over the Sambre valley , but this morning , hearing the crackle of musketry to the east , he had ridden the mare much further than usual .
26 Every time Beth looked at him , the pain almost cut her in two .
27 ‘ This business has knocked her for six . ’
28 He 'd done it again , she realised in amazement — with just a few choice words he 'd knocked her for six .
29 A few months after I left I met someone else and we had a wonderful relationship for a few months , but then guilt reared its ugly head and Marie persuaded me to go back because I 'd left her with two children .
30 She joined AIB Bank in Bankcentre branch in October 1980 and her career since then has taken her to 100 Grafton St. , 1985–90 and Mary Street from then until her transfer to Cabra in July 1992 .
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