Example sentences of "[vb pp] at [adv] the " in BNC.

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1 If you look back to 1974 you 'll discover that our vote lifted at precisely the moment the Tories tried the same game .
2 The announcement about dinner being served , Henry observed with approval , had come at just the right length of time after the sherry had been drunk .
3 ‘ Actually , you 've come at just the right moment .
4 As I speak , a chance now for Martin Foyle ; Foyle has scored for Oxford , he 's done it , Oxford have pulled one back , tremendous through ball for Martin Foyle , he cheeked his way round the goalkeeper , put it in with the side of his foot so you 've come at exactly the right time , thirty one minutes gone , Spurs two , Oxford United one and the goal coming from Martin Foyle .
5 He cheeked his way round the goalkeeper , put it in with the side of his foot , so you 've come at exactly the right time , thirty one minutes gone , Spurs two , Oxford United one .
6 But what was the bottom income line above which recipients can be presumed to have enjoyed at least the modicum of comfort above subsistence and simple " decency " ?
7 They are used because of their alleged efficiency , the two main spectral lines of sodium being emitted at nearly the peak of the colour response curve for the human eye .
8 The irony is that the skins in trying to be ‘ authentic ’ have ended up reviving an idea of working class culture which is frozen at precisely the point when a ‘ real ’ , ‘ authentic ’ working class identity was being positively eaten away from outside .
9 If I may anticipate a point which , I know from experience , the hon. Member for Oldham , West ( Mr. Meacher ) may in due course seek to make , those increases mean that , when looked at alongside the extra help that we have made available in the past four years through income-related benefits for the less well-off families with children , which will amount to some £600 million next year , total expenditure on help to families next year will be higher than if we had simply increased child benefit each year since 1987-88 .
10 Please note that all events in the Festival which are bookable in advance can be booked at either the Festival Booking Office or the Grand Opera House Booking Office .
11 The monitoring will be applied at either the commencement of the case or at the point where it becomes defended , and will require notice of the defendant 's intention to defend .
12 But in manuscript B of ‘ The Hunt for the Ring ’ ( written at much the same time ) just this idea is being entertained .
13 His best-known work , Tetbury church , Gloucestershire ( 1777–81 ) , is one of the most elegant examples of late eighteenth-century Gothic and was widely admired at the time , the poet William Mason [ q.v. ] , for example , commenting that it gave him ‘ the very highest opinion ’ of Hiorne 's ‘ Gothic taste ’ ; and his approach to Gothic design also appears to have embraced at least the rudiments of scholarship as well as its decorative appeal .
14 A Labour Party survey found that in the year up to August 1987 the price of a school meal in primary schools had risen at twice the rate of inflation , and this had resulted in a reduction in the number of children taking school meals .
15 Bush 's sequence of 35 consecutive vetoes , all upheld in Congress , ended on Oct. 5 in relation to a bill to re-regulate the cable television industry , where charges had risen at twice the rate of inflation since deregulation in 1984 .
16 Of course , the actual truth is that there 's different levels in everything , and while some of the worst Hawaiian records were released in the '40s and '50s , some of the greatest Hawaiian records were made at exactly the same time .
17 Thanks to Halley 's efforts valuable observations of this kind were made at both the northern and southern edges of the path of the eclipse in 1715 .
18 Gedge has seen at first-hand the reactions of people who have come into contact with the group .
19 If the pipette is repeatedly driven head-on into the globule of cold glass a break can be produced at approximately the correct internal diameter .
20 They had all died at roughly the same time , victims of one of those brief epidemics of cholera that continued to attack the city until the great Loch Katrine water scheme was opened in Victorian times .
21 How much of the aspic you use depends on how tightly the layers are packed — the gelatine is used at twice the usual strength because the terrine juices will dilute it .
22 Moreover , the ‘ transition to democracy ’ has occurred at exactly the time when the international economic crisis was making its presence felt with greatest intensity .
23 In the Jacob stories there is no explicit complaint , despite the fact that the brothers are twins , born at almost the same moment , and so reveal the unfairness of the privileges particularly clearly .
24 Last in was the train passenger , who took 52 mins ( average speed , 7.5 mph ) ; this , despite the fact that a train was scheduled at exactly the right time for the contestant to catch by cycling the 0.7 miles from the start to the station .
25 It was an unsystematic syncretism which was particularly successful in Italy ( Etruria and Rome ) , left its mark on Garthage , Syria and Egypt , was unsuccessful in Judaea , rather insignificant in Mesopotamla , and affected at least the iconography , if not the substance , of Indian religion through Gandhara art .
26 Both landed at exactly the same moment !
27 Sumitomo Metal Industries , Japan 's third-largest steel company , has abandoned at least the first phase of a big refinancing scheme .
28 Modification was dramatically reduced at both the permissive and non-permissive temperatures .
29 The rubber takes a grip on the shell and forces it between the rollers , which are set at just the right distance apart so that they crack the shell without damaging the kernel .
30 A little way above his head , and maybe a few metres back , is a crossed pair of microphones with their elements set at exactly the same distance as his ears .
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