Example sentences of "[vb pp] with that [noun] " in BNC.

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1 As can be seen , the abeam position came later , as would be expected with that wind .
2 for at that time from far and near there is a gathering of the clans : the games were instituted with that purpose , and have continued to draw together year by year Highland chieftains and men of note , and ladies of rank , accomplishments , and beauty .
3 ‘ After the judge condemned someone to death , the unfortunate man was hanged with that rope . ’
4 It was his job , and risks and death come with that job . ’
5 He has flirted with that theme .
6 In fact , the inspector or Secretary of State is usually making real decisions , that is , decisions that will make a difference to the built environment ; when presented with that responsibility , they want to be sure the result is acceptable .
7 ‘ Do you have any idea of what is was like for me , trying to sleep in a bed still warm from your body and scented with that soap and powder you use ? ’
8 What had he done with that wallet ?
9 Immediately , Lalage knew just what she could have done with that masterpiece in satin .
10 His hobby is fishing and do-it-yourself things and he 'll just go out and buy the tools and I think , ‘ Oh that money , what I could have done with that money ! ’
11 It is much less usual to examine something to see what else could be done with that position , how else the resources could be used .
12 Do n't know what the hell I 've done with that chair Marg !
13 Data files for use by computers might contain data about fonts and help systems , but nothing can be done with that information without the assistance of a program file containing the relevant instructions .
14 This emphasis upon a common style is partly connected with that sense of national identity and community which the war provoked , but it was also intimately related to Eliot 's preoccupation with what he termed " The Social Function of Poetry " in both developing the language , and enriching the sensibility , of the culture .
15 The problem of fascist sympathies among the ranks of MI5 at the outset of the war is entirely ignored , as is the removal in 1940 of its founder and director , Sir Vernon Kell , which may or may not have been connected with that issue .
16 he has knowingly obtained ( whether directly or indirectly ) that information from another individual who is connected with that company , or was at any time in the six months preceding the obtaining of that information , so connected , and who the tippee knows or has reasonable cause to believe , held the information by virtue of being so connected ; and he
17 A combined survey and exhibition catalogue on the theme of portraiture in Norfolk collections and portraits of or by people connected with that county , as well as works in Norfolk collections which reflect general trends in the history of British portraiture .
18 ( 8 ) If shares in the target are proposed to be sold to the bidder by a director ( including a shadow director ) of the bidder , or of its parent company , or by a person connected with that director ( as defined in CA 1985 , s346 ) and the value of the shares is not less than £2,000 but ( subject to that ) exceeds £100,000 or 10 per cent of the bidder 's asset value , then the arrangement must not be entered into unless it is first approved by an ordinary resolution of the bidder or , as the case may be , its parent company in general meeting ( CA 1985 , s320 ) .
19 He is closely connected with that woman of yer father 's , Rosalli Gabrielli .
20 The friendly community there all appeared to be fishermen or on some way connected with that industry .
21 Any weapon — Mr Clinton 's trade sanctions , GATT membership , or whatever — needs to be wielded with that march in mind .
22 If they do not return to the office or call in as arranged the supervisor should ensure that contact is made with that address to determine if the visit has been made and concluded .
23 Fire Officer , paper F , and I think you 've had a something additional put on your table because you 've had with that paper A.
24 ‘ What have we bought with that money ?
25 Politicians agreed with that prognosis .
26 McLeish silently agreed with that judgement .
27 However , it should be kept in mind that a number of those recorded as having agreed to the proposition in respect of all practices may not in fact have agreed with that proposition at all .
28 It has in the past happened that a client has been advised by the agent to amend an order , has entirely agreed with that advice , but has at the same time pointed out that his authority does not extend to giving a final decision , and this can be awkward .
29 Acts of consent are acts believed to change the normative situation because they are performed with that belief .
30 He will appreciate that there will be not only a sense of relief at Yarrow , but a great sense of pride that the company has been entrusted with that order .
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