Example sentences of "[vb pp] with [pers pn] to " in BNC.

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1 He had then suggested she come with him to his house to help unload .
2 Anybody come with me to the hospital
3 Black in turn , after substantially advancing the project , parted with it to Historic Aircraft Collection Ltd and continued to oversee the project management for the current owners .
4 In the course of a 24-hour drama the kidnapper , Orlando Ordoñez Betancourt , successfully demanded that they be flown with him to Honduras , where after an airport siege he was granted safe passage to Mexico .
5 A year after the death his mother had married Edmund Morgan , a widowed church organist of mind-numbing dullness , and had retired with him to Bognor Regis where they lived on his father 's insurance money in a spacious bungalow in sight of the sea , in an obsessive mutual devotion which mirrored the meticulous order and tidiness of their world .
6 That is the only case of the thousands of cases that I have raised with him to which he has said yes .
7 Then certain teachers were particularly struck by the evidence of large differences in the interests and experience children brought with them to school .
8 Cynthia Merstam watched in silence as the nurse arranged the big bunch of gladioli she had brought with her to the nursing-home .
9 On 29 January 1716 Argyll , assisted by one of Marlborough 's favourite staff officers , General William Cadogan , who had brought with him to Scotland the 6000 Dutch troops who had swollen the Hanoverian army , began his advance on Perth where that same night the rebels decided on a retreat towards Dundee .
10 And proof that an informant had indeed reached Edward from the town was provided by the fact that the emissaries now demanded that the required hostage should be none other than Seton 's own son , a young man whom he had brought with him to Berwick on his first military venture , unfortunate a start as this had turned out to be .
11 ‘ I fully expected to see a hangar out there and there was n't one ’ , lamented Kermit as we looked through the many pictures he had brought with him to the Reno Air Races .
12 That it is here at all is an act of faith on the part of the Academy 's management , who were well aware of the political overtones the show carried in the States and has inevitably brought with it to London .
13 Nizan 's refusal to be a loser remained with him to the end .
14 She had , but it had happened the previous afternoon , and Jack had gone with her to Rotherhithe Infirmary where she had been admitted with a broken hip .
15 Drew had gone with her to the hospital , where she had undergone a full medical check .
16 There was rage in Moscow , even threats — but Mukhamedov 's pregnant wife , Masha , had gone with him to England , and they could do nothing .
17 gone with him to .
18 Mother told me that once when she had gone with them to chapel — and she was only a tot-she had just a little peep around at the rest of the congregation .
19 On 28 April , the Caucasians joined Domanov 's Cossacks on the retreat into Austria , surrendered with them to the British 78 Div on 8 May and remained encamped east of Lienz near Dellach .
20 Having talked to the person making the eighteenth birthday cake about our individual requirements , we chose some suitable flowers to fit a small silver vase that was placed on top of the cake , and once the guests had gone I hurried them into the presses I had taken with me to the party .
21 Endill was given the same suitcase his father and grandfather had taken with them to school .
22 It 's a secret that the man who led a double life has taken with his to the grave .
23 Working with feverish haste , for the wind was piercing through her elegant jacket and Gentle Curve bra underneath , she filled the boxes , staggered with them to a row of garbage cans in the back lane and dumped their contents into the bins .
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