Example sentences of "[vb pp] that [adv] a " in BNC.

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1 Michael Meacher and Frank Field have stressed that only a limited circle of people were actively involved in formulating the industrial policy proposals , and that beyond this circle , understanding of the proposals was rather minimal .
2 If the function of the leave requirement is to weed out unarguable or vexatious cases it might be expected that only a small proportion of cases would fail at this stage .
3 Experts have forecast that even a partial ban will be a blow to Taiwan 's fishing companies , which are already facing recession and rely on driftnetting as the most profitable method .
4 It is considered that only a solicitor can act Mr reward as an agent , as was thought was the position under the 1959 Act .
5 When it was first mooted that maybe a team of Tropical Plants staff would make for good television on Busman 's Holiday , several folk were keen to take part .
6 Solihull teachers were strongly so , but it should be recalled that only a relatively small proportion of them had had any direct experience of the process .
7 During the last years of the war it was noticed that rather a high proportion of soldiers were failing to be cured by the standard doses of M & B 693 , as the sulphonamide was called , and this was the first clue to the potential in the gonococcus for developing resistance to antibiotics .
8 It was decided that only a CPIS would meet the requirements imposed by these key issues .
9 Certainly , voluntary anonymised seroprevalence studies are discouraged because it is felt that even a 5% refusal rate may invalidate the results .
10 It was felt that maybe a stronger emphasis should be put on the need for ecumenical and inter-faith dialogue .
11 North Staffordshire Royal Infirmary has revealed that nearly a thousand cancer patients have been wrongly treated there in the past nine years .
12 Although studies have revealed that only a small subgroup of such diabetics have reduced plasma renin , in those with nephropathy both plasma renin activity and plasma aldosterone tend to be decreased ( Christlieb , 1978 ) .
13 There is a small literature on new dialect acquisition ; it must be said that not a great deal is known about it .
14 It may have been that on his original appearance this condition would not have been satisfied , as it could not have been said that only a custodial sentence was adequate to protect the public from serious harm from him , if the alternative of a probation order requiring residence at a hostel specialising in sexual offenders was available .
15 As the Conservatives themselves hesitantly took up the theme of citizenship in response to opposition challenge , it was argued that only a more flexible , compassionate style of Toryism could be their route to safety .
16 A Christian authority on eastern religions , Patrick Sookhdeo said , ‘ I have seen that whenever a person uses yoga , he makes a shift from a monotheistic view of God , to a pantheistic view ( God identified with nature ) , and finally to a monistic view ( God as an impersonal IT , without form , personality and essence ) .
17 These boxes stood above ground and were , therefore , visible and obvious targets , but they were so solidly made that only a direct hit by a heavy shell could destroy them .
18 The procedure followed ensured that only a certain response would disambiguate the message .
19 One might have thought that only a particular unit of the type could be ‘ tried on ’ , but that seems not to be the case .
20 It is thought that about a third of conceptuses fail to develop into an embryo .
21 We were then told that only a handful of high-spending authorities would be capped .
22 You would have to be a professional cobbler-up of sit-coms to give much credence to the available scenarios , but just in case , I suppose they are that : a ) the tests were so incompetently performed that even a baboon 's sample would have produced the same reading as was clocked by the three athletes identically ; b ) the three runners were having a joke at the testers ' expense ; c ) the German trio was deliberately testing the vigilance of the drug monitors at a relatively out-of-the-way venue , for reasons of their own ; d ) that the samples were not urine at all but a draught of refreshing Lucozade , tested in error .
23 In a Channel 4 television programme it was alleged that whenever a major dispute comes up , it would immediately become an area for investigation .
24 It can be shown that again a large set of collusive allocations can be supported by threats of punishment of this kind provided firms do not discount the future ‘ too heavily ’ .
25 Recent work has shown that even a very small amount of mesenchyme grafted in combination with endoderm , will allow morphogenesis to proceed in adult recipients .
26 Multivariate analysis has shown that only a mild histological picture ( chronic persistent hepatitis ) is an independent pretreatment variable that predicts response to treatment .
27 Research in Newcastle has shown that about a third of all children referred with psychiatric disorders also suffered from undiagnosed depression .
28 It is understood that only a few specialist posts are likely to be be transferred .
29 It should be noted that whenever a new module or SPR is added to an SSR , further distribution of the SSR takes place via the new relationship .
30 It should be noted that whenever a new module or SPR is added to an SSR , using options 4.5.1 and 4.5.2 , further distribution of the SSR takes place via the new relationship and further endorsements are required .
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