Example sentences of "[vb pp] that [pron] [be] " in BNC.

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1 This social sanction will be , in the first place , some kind of social ostracism or discomfort ; it may or may not be wished that it be associated with a legal penalty .
2 further investigations disclosed that they were in fact glued on with a resinous adhesive which appeared transparent to the X-rays .
3 An entry in the charges register disclosed that it was subject to restrictive covenants imposed by a deed of 1883 but did not reveal what those covenants were , because on first registration neither the deed nor a copy or abstract of it had been produced .
4 Former Northern Telecom Ltd chief and alumnus of Burroughs Corp , Unisys Corp and IBM Corp itself , Paul Stern is now firm favourite in the betting on the next chief executive of IBM after the Wall Street Journal disclosed that there are strong objections to him from some influential IBM executives — if he 's got those people against him , he must be the right man for the job .
5 He confessed to having misappropriated $2.2bn from the Royal Family 's portfolio and disclosed that there were unrecorded deposits of $570m .
6 A telephone enquiry disclosed that there were in fact two St Peter 's Schools in Wapping and that while we were in one of them the audience was in the other .
7 When Panna was just twenty days old , the village midwife disclosed that she was neither male nor female , that she was a hijra .
8 But there are other causes of bad conditions as well as overcrowding : many prisons are old and decaying , and the newer prisons have often turned out to be so badly designed that they are not a noticeable improvement .
9 It seems sometimes to be supposed that what is commendable about a communicative approach to language teaching is that it does not , as a structural approach does , have to get learners to puzzle their heads with grammar .
10 Peter might have supposed that they were lovers from Tom 's ardour and her acquiescence , might have thought it not just tactful but a requirement to leave them alone together .
11 It is , I think , commonly supposed that there is a division of responsibility in respect to these two main aspects of mediation .
12 If it is supposed that there is a want of definiteness about the idea of something 's " occurring within consciousness " , we can as well speak of anything whatever of which there is a logical possibility that an individual can discriminate it in his or her or its consciousness .
13 It is also often supposed that there is less contact these days with neighbours and friends ; in Young and Willmott 's ( 1957 ) telling phrase , modern life on council estates is not face-to-face but window-to-window .
14 Nevertheless , it must be supposed that there were economic as well as social inducements to the policies of expansion beyond the West Frankish frontiers pursued by the dukes of Normandy , Aquitaine , and even Burgundy , as well as by the counts of Toulouse , Flanders , and for brief periods Blois and Anjou .
15 I can not resist retelling one of the anecdotes : in 1963 , at a party to congratulate Cotton on an award he had just received , Lipscomb told Cotton that while he was delighted by the choice , it should not be supposed that he was on the ‘ cottonpickin' ’ committee .
16 If it was n't for the air of wary intelligence about him it might have been supposed that he was a barbarian from the Hubland wastes .
17 It seems to be commonly supposed that it is description rather than theory as such which makes the most direct contribution to language teaching .
18 He had never supposed that it was publishable or that Emmie cherished ambitions of that kind .
19 It is generally supposed that it was at Thurgarton .
20 Delivering a brief lecture on self-control , Leonora began frying bacon , cutting hunks of crusty bread , grating cheese , determined to keep so occupied that there was no attention to spare for the worries which seemed to be multiplying by the minute .
21 As we examine the dominant beliefs of the two alliances , it must be stressed that we are not looking at beliefs possessed by each and every person who identifies to a greater or lesser extent with either set of traditions .
22 It was constantly stressed that we are now only qualified to dive in the conditions in which we learnt , that we should always go out with people of greater experience , and that with recreational diving ( which PADI stress this diving is ) , you never go deeper than 30 metres unless you have a specific reason , i.e. a wreck .
23 Sexual problems of the child may stem from any of the above considerations , although it must again be stressed that they are not inevitable .
24 It was also stressed that they were free to terminate the experiment at any time .
25 It must be stressed that there is no direct evidence linking radon and lung cancer .
26 This is particularly necessary , given that Moscovici has repeatedly stressed that there is a theory of social representations ( Moscovici , 1983 , 1985 ) .
27 I have stressed that there is no disagreement between the Government and the Opposition about the importance of reducing tobacco consumption or of reducing access to tobacco , especially among children , as a contributor to that objective .
28 It must be stressed that there are important differences between stage hypnotism and the techniques used in alternative medicine .
29 It has been stressed that there are strong forces in favour of the maintenance of existing policy , and that many new initiatives are in fact derived from concerns not so much to innovate as to correct the imperfections of existing policies .
30 I have stressed that I am taking a particular linguistic phenomenon , deixis , and examining its occurrences and behaviour in a specific genre .
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