Example sentences of "[vb pp] i [that] it " in BNC.

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1 A year actually on the job had taught me that it was n't quite so simple !
2 In the three years I 've been here , and because C&P was one of the first ICI groups to move into quality , the value of the quality ethos has taught me that it 's the only way to do business .
3 ‘ Others have told me that it shows an old woman sitting looking out on a stormy sea from a tranquil cottage garden .
4 The man who had originally told me that it was ‘ verboten ’ and who had stood a little apart while the others talked , now came forward again .
5 Kāli had told me that it was no longer used , that if one more chip were taken the entire tree would topple .
6 The doctor had told me that it was probable that he would die from either an infection or a brain haemorrhage .
7 I had heard about the Dog Man before on my week-long journey from Kirk Yetholm towards Edale — travellers going north had told me as I journeyed south at first that the Dog Man was only three days ahead of me , then two days ahead of me , and then the final group of walkers had told me that it would n't be long before I caught him up .
8 ‘ She 's told me that it 's nothing she regrets .
9 And he 's told me that it 's first gear , right .
10 It has n't surprised me that it 's happened again .
11 I , I have a quandary here cos I 'm not quite sure whether I should be asking a question or proposing something against the deliverance but I have attended and er listened to a number of debates arising out of this matter of er the baptism of children and time and again it 's struck me that it starts off about baptism but it turns out to be a discussion about the parents .
12 But it had never struck me that it was something he would notice .
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