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1 And — ’ with a grateful glance at Benedict , who was standing by , mute , moved as he had not expected to be by this reunion he had brought about ‘ — thanks to this intelligent and resourceful young man , it is over now . ’
2 Fitzwilliam Museum , Cambridge , obtained four drawings , Ciro Ferri 's ‘ Allegory of the Labours of Hercules ’ ( £35,760 ; NACF , NHMF support ) , now considered to be by Pietro da Cortona ; Jacopo Cavedone 's ‘ Christ blessing the little Children ’ ( £35,000 , est. £5–7,000 ; NACF , NHMF and the Purchase Grant Fund support ) ; and Ventura Salimbeni 's ‘ Death of St Clare with Pope Innocent IV blessing her ’ ( £42,912 , est. £12–16,000 ; NHMF , NACF support ) .
3 3.2 Where the Landlord the Tenant or the Guarantor for the time being are two or more persons obligations expressed or implied to be made by or with such party are deemed to be by or with such persons jointly and severally
4 I did not therefore expect to be invited here and was resigned to being by myself yet again and sure my spirits would once more be lowered .
5 In regards to its nature , we shall be principally occupied , not with what Mind is felt to be by its possessor , but rather with its operations as apparent to an onlooker .
6 partly this was because the current account deficit appears much smaller in current ( 1980s ) data than it was thought to be by contemporaries ; mainly , it would seem , because the invisible position was actually much better than was then realized .
7 This , in finely-worked bronze inlaid with semi-precious stones , is thought to be by the twelfth-century French master Nicola de Verdun and was presented to the Duomo by Giovanni Battista Trivulzio in 1562 .
8 The painting , with the two fat cats at the base of the steps , was thought to be by her .
9 One of its most important early Netherlandish paintings ‘ Christ appearing to His mother ’ , formerly thought to be by Rogier van der Weyden , was downgraded by technology to a workshop copy a decade ago .
10 Though infection may be acquired by ingestion of faecal larvae , the important route , as in Oslerus infection , is thought to be by transfer of L1 in the bitch 's saliva when the pup is licked .
11 Gillian and I were falling in love and you 'd think we 'd have wanted to be by ourselves all the time , gazing into one another 's eyes and holding hands and going to bed together .
12 It was a good question , and suggested strongly that the Argyll interest was less powerful than it was believed to be by the community at large .
13 They were now the self-confident , responsible young ladies they had been trained to be by both the school and their own families .
14 My boyfriend was allowed to be by my side throughout this operation .
15 And hammered on the door so one of the teache and it was the class where I was too happened to be by the door there .
16 In fact , those who most seem to be themselves appear to me people impersonating what they think they might like to be , believe they ought to be , or wish to be taken to be by whoever is setting standards .
17 Almost the last act of the decade was the decision to wind up the Artisans , originally planned to be by December 1984 ; although in 1980 it was brought forward to 1981 .
18 Rather , organizational goals are what they are perceived to be by officials who have been socialized into the organizational ‘ way of life ’ and who strive in a highly co-ordinate fashion to bring about collectively their realization .
19 Yes there are far too many overlapping institutions that self regulation has n't worked , it ha has no adequate on the annualt we welcomed 21 effective against fraud by replacing it by an independent statutory statutory based regulator which has the power to strike and strike hard rather than everything er by the the the plethora of regulations we now deal with in the financial er in the financial sector and in the respect of what 's proposed today , you ca n't rely er on auditors to be the effective police force that they 've been required to be by these er regulations .
20 Anti-English slanders they were held to be by the genteel Victorian travellers who continued to come to the Pyrenees .
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