Example sentences of "[vb pp] to [be] as " in BNC.

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1 The new 2–10 ml Finnpipette has been designed to be as simple to use as any standard volume instrument .
2 These areas are specifically set apart for retail outlets ( both large and small ) and are designed to be as convenient and pleasant as possible for both customer and retailers .
3 The AA Foundation study also suggests that car radio/cassette players should be designed to be as automatic as possible , and sold with an information leaflet highlighting the possible influences of music on driving .
4 Operation of the system by LIFESPAN users such as programmers , who are able to control what is online and what is offline , and by the offline manager who is responsible for the administration of the offline system , is designed to be as automatic and simple as possible .
5 BBCBASIC(Z80) has been designed to be as compatible as possible with Version 4 of the 6502 BBC BASIC resident in the BBC Micro Master series .
6 In addition , the coding system used to describe the condition of items was designed to be as simple and unambiguous as possible .
7 ‘ She felt pressurised that she would be expected to be as career-orientated as she was before having the baby , ’ says Sandra , ‘ so she works with us because we are relaxed about it — if she does n't want to work on Wednesday , that 's fine , she can work on Friday instead .
8 ‘ I must say , ’ answered the pregnant girl , ‘ that I had never expected to be as tired by anything as I was during those awful nights in the Blitz when sleep seemed something one would never have again — but this is worse ! ’
9 Human beings are expected to be as mechanical as the musak .
10 On the point of commenting scathingly that not everyone could be expected to be as cold-blooded as he was , Gina hesitated , finally deciding that in this case discretion was certainly the better part of valour .
11 They could be expected to be as obedient to the workers as they had been to the capitalists .
12 The fastest growth will occur in the electrical sector , with overall rates of 7 per cent pa , but uncertainty over recycling will damage prospects for the automotive polyesters — annual growth is forecast to be as low as 2 per cent for cars and 1.7 per cent for commercial vehicles .
13 A century ago it was considered to be as good as the Normande , and better as a butcher 's beast , but a combination of war and frontier changes led to its deterioration ; it was crossed with Danish Red as well as Belgian Red to form the Flemish Red , which is usually whole red , though some have mottled or blazed faces .
14 Here " English " is sufficiently broadly conceived to encompass " the study of man " — as the Board " s memo puts it — or , in the Committee " s own words , considered to be as " wide as the English mind , and as broad as English life " .
15 Savory has a longer history than sage , though not considered to be as useful medicinally .
16 With his television news background and now intimate knowledge of Middle East drugs trafficking , Coleman helped Ross and Silverman prepare what was generally considered to be as balanced and authoritative a survey of narco-terrorism as the media had ever presented to the American public , a contribution which they both generously acknowledged on several occasions afterwards and which subsequently led to Coleman 's appearance on NBC News after the Flight 103 disaster , although neither of them were aware then or before of his DIA/NARCOG affiliations .
17 In Tambov town there were reported to be as few as three Bolsheviks on the very eve of the October Revolution .
18 The overall abstention rate was reported to be as high as 55 per cent of the electorate of 2,200,000 .
19 Subsequently , they have been reported to be as effective as corticosteroids in treating patients with active Crohn 's disease , and one controlled , but non-randomised trial suggested that elemental diet was actually superior to corticosteroid treatment .
20 In addition , measurements of prolonged squeezing were not recorded in the two studies where biofeedback was reported to be as effective as conventional medical treatment .
21 She was implying , plain enough , that no one else could be trusted to be as thorough as herself .
22 just as cliché haunted Henry 's daily journey to the train , his socks from Marks and Spencers ' , his regular nightly bedtime , his fondness for a cup of tea at ten thirty in the evening , just as he seemed to be destined to be as remorselessly English as the plane trees in the street outside or the homecoming commuters clacking through the twilight towards the village , so his one existential act ( had n't someone called it that ? ) seemed destined for suburban predictability .
23 He had therefore decided to be as charming as possible to her during the summer holiday in Italy — as soon as he had managed to persuade her to let him join the family there .
24 The old Gothic was felt to be as inadequate in the 1890s as the old meeting-house had been in the 1860s so plans were made for a new building worthy of their pastor whose fame was rapidly increasing .
25 In all three studies , the children were selected to be as representative as possible and in each case they were asked to perform exhaustive intelligence tests and behavioural exercises .
26 ‘ You may have thought that things had gotten to be as bad as they could get , but Mr Koons ' show proves you were wrong , ’ wrote one particularly shrill reviewer .
27 The pun on Spinoza was too good for Coleridge to resist , and the remarkable nose he attributed to Walsh may well have been borrowed from his memories of the innkeeper at the Castle of Comfort , on the road from Stowey to Holford : his nose , which was locally famous , was said to be as big as a fist and ‘ well warted ’ .
28 Surfers are said to be as exclusive in their manners as the upper classes they have replaced , talking only among themselves and inevitably spending a good deal of their time incommunicado offshore .
29 It lives in large family groups and is said to be as shy as it is fearsome-looking .
30 It 's said to be as effective as the pill and experts say it 'll widen the choice for women .
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