Example sentences of "[vb pp] in some [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 More torrential rain is forecast tonight with up to four inches of rain expected in some parts of Gloucestershire .
2 We accept that shops or factories be forbidden in some zones and not others and that parking be prohibited on alternate sides of the same street on alternate days .
3 The Detailed Spectrum Investigation team recommends that spectrum should be rearranged in some bands but that any shortfall should be recovered from improved frequency management techniques in other bands .
4 The maker hand-cuts the kerfing ( the triangular-section strip around the inside edge that increases the gluing area of the sides for securing the front and back ) so that the saw-cuts are widely spaced in some areas and closely spaced around the tight curves of the cutaway .
5 This epidemiological picture , typical of temperate countries , may be modified in some areas by factors such as climate or husbandry .
6 The very good performance of division reported in some cases ( Lum , Yuen and Dodd , Severance and Duhne ) , and relatively poor performance in others ( Kaimann ) , is likely to have been the result of few or many clashes of this kind .
7 The statement on value added has been reported in some cases .
8 Participation of over 80 per cent of the workforce was reported in some areas , in the first general strike in Italy since May 1989 .
9 This is consistent with empirical evidence reported in some studies .
10 As reported in some editions of The Independent last week , the Arts Council leaflet aimed at this week 's Conservative Party conference differs starkly from the one handed out to Labour delegates in Brighton last week .
11 Increased rates of spinal bone loss have been reported in some patients and the average spinal bone loss was 3%/yr .
12 If osteonecrosis is diagnosed early enough , collapse of the subchondral bone and progression of the disease may be averted in some patients by decreasing the stresses across the affected joint and by training mobility .
13 It came from Tony Morrell , the Hartlepool-based athlete who has been preferred to Cram in the 1500 metres and whose fitness had been queried in some quarters .
14 Dalziel was now immersed in some papers and did n't even glance up .
15 Some countries — Australia , Fiji , New Guinea , Mexico — are included in some definitions , omitted from others .
16 Thus certain items ( such as building society deposits ) are included in some definitions but not in others .
17 Polling was cancelled in some villages because all their inhabitants had fled the escalating violence , which has killed 140 people in five months .
18 He was also considered in some quarters to be less than entirely open in his Turf operations : his trainer Tom Coulthwaite had had his licence withdrawn earlier in 1913 over the running of two Ismay horses , though this was widely held to be an injustice .
19 I tried to pull myself out but my foot was caught in some branches and the current squashed the canoe hard up against me , allowing me no movement .
20 Transfers between degree courses are permitted in some circumstances , eg from the MPhil or MLitt to the PhD , or from the MSc or the Diploma to MPhil or PhD .
21 Not when — if , perchance , Labour Members were in that position in 20 years ' time , would they be prepared to have the whole system of assessing and adjudicating upon genuine claims destroyed by the campaigns that are being organised in some parts of this country ?
22 The government responded to this pressure : the Bill differed in some respects from the White Paper , and the Bill itself was constantly amended as it went through Parliament .
23 Soon after Hamilton 's battle-scarred book came out , moreover , in the spring of 1988 , there appeared in Britain a kind of memoir entitled The Facts-A Novelist 's Autobiography in which the issue was addressed in some passages of exceptional interest — the gaze and forehead of Olympian Zeus after the outcries and the special and professional pleading which had surrounded all but one of these other events .
24 Market research is being applied in some sectors which lists the priorities customers expect and also where a business is falling short .
25 As I recall , then , it was only an hour or so after being first entrusted with the mission that I noticed the young Mr Cardinal alone in the library , sitting at one of the writing tables , absorbed in some documents .
26 He was already aware of the possibility of situations in which approval would not be the automatic outcome of such visits , and indeed the CNAA had already , as a result of institutional visits , imposed stern conditions to be met in some instances if approval was to be continued .
27 Berg worked out his proportions deliberately , by design , in the same way as other composers have done in some periods since the Middle Ages .
28 Another way out of the problem of fraud could be to require from both parties the presentation of a birth certificate as a prerequisite for the issuing of a marriage licence , as is done in some states in the United States .
29 The legends are screen-printed on , that 's one better than stick-on , but so badly done in some cases that it 's a toss up as to which is the worst method !
30 The value of the work done in some cases ( although less frequently in industrial construction ) is calculated from bills of quantities .
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