Example sentences of "[vb pp] and i [modal v] " in BNC.

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1 I 'll get it sorted and I will do it again !
2 But I lied about the afternoon and I was worried when you wanted to keep the betting slips because you probably know that one of the horses won and I would have won quite a lot of money if I 'd stayed in the betting shop .
3 Several details have been omitted and I shall say nothing about the way Venus and the Sun move around their orbits , except that the point O on Venus 's orbit always lies between the Earth ( E ) and the Sun ( S ) , that V moves around O , and O and S move around the Earth .
4 Then the temperature dropped and I ca n't get it moving again . ’
5 It is these conclusions and that reasoning which Mr. McGregor has attacked and I must reconsider them .
6 If I am not completely satisfied , I will return my three books within 10 days , my membership will be cancelled and I will owe nothing .
7 If I am not completely satisfied , I will return the books within ten days , my subscription will be cancelled and I will owe nothing .
8 But one time er I 'd been er I were wounded and I 'd come out of er they bring you to casual clearly stations , thousands got into one I in this ward er tents and best way they could you know and nurses there and all .
9 Yet , equally , right close up in front of the cab the sound is muffled and I can not hear myself accurately .
10 It is the first of this kind of thing that I have organised and I would like it to be a success .
11 ‘ I 'm disappointed but not devastated and I 'll be cheering Kriss on in Rome . ’
12 Well Fred 's got my Graham Thomas because it really is a superb rose but as well as that I would go for hybrid musk and I think of all the hybrid musk , my favourite is Felicia because of that silvery pink , lovely double shaped flower and that is very very heavily scented and I would have to have the bourbon rose the th the double white creamy white bourbon rose , if , you could almost eat that , that wo n't get more than about six foot and you can prune it to keep it in shape a bit if it begins to get too straggly .
13 The tigress is quick to surface when your young are threatened and I could face up to any bully to defend my own .
14 What I have n't done and I ought to because of the erm the way that this discussion has to unfold , I ought to say that pure few sentences about why should there be a strategic sites policy at all and erm I ought to put that on the record although it 's pretty well trailed in all the paper work .
15 ‘ Inevitably there are going to be offences where I feel disgusted by what the person has done and I would probably say that to them .
16 ought to pass a vote of thanks to both of them for the sterling work they have done and I would be more than happy to er thank you
17 I would fully support all of the good work that is done and I would wish it to continue .
18 Five eighty eighty five ninety ninety pounds ninety are you all done and I 'll sell at ninety pounds .
19 Standing then at forty pounds , are you all done and I 'll sell , forty five fifty fifty pounds standing , any more at fifty ?
20 Yeah just get something done and I 'll be back
21 But do n't do n't get me wrong I mean I 'm not saying I 'm a fucking saint , cos I 've done and I 'll probably do it again but
22 She would have her hair nicely done and I might be doing a bit of sewing .
23 That 's alright , play with it , there 's no point in saying anything to them Bev it 's now got to be proven and I say , if I can get it done and I can get it sent off , then they will point me in the right direction wo n't they ?
24 In his head , as in mine , the unending private minute is being written and I can read it , I discover , almost as clearly as my own .
25 Nearly all of the rods , floats and rod rests ( idle backs ) were home made and I used to attend weekly tackle-making classes in the attic of the Royal Oak Hotel at the bottom of Cemetery Road in Sheffield .
26 The playing stopped and I could hear their voices , Leon 's and Curtis 's , just the two of them in there .
27 I might find that by then my days have altered and I will be on the Thursday .
28 At the moment there are no at the moment there are no nationals registered and I 'll I will come to this later , er potentially I understand there are some four hundred thousand who could register .
29 ‘ This is the reason they were first given and I would like to think that I have been given this award because of that .
30 Space this year is limited and I will not attempt to summarise the rich record of activity outlined in the Annual Report of the Law Society , but briefly consider how the theme of ‘ One Profession ’ has fared through the year .
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