Example sentences of "[vb pp] and [vb past] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 It will have been one of the most comprehensively designed and tested lifeboats to have been built anywhere in the world .
2 This encourages logging companies to send over plain logs , but it would be more profitable if the countries themselves designed and built furniture and fitments and sold it direct to the West .
3 It can not be stressed too often that it is essential to only install commercially designed and built microwaves which conform to the international safety and performance standards appropriate for industrial use .
4 Organizations such as the Peabody Trust and the East End Dwellings Company designed and built tenement housing , which Nicholas Pevsner has rightly called ‘ truly humanitarian in its pretensions , yet depressing in its results ’ — solidly built , but , for reasons of economy , ugly and providing shared water-supplies and sanitary facilities .
5 A blunt-speaking Yorkshireman was guarding the door of the barn where the pie was cooking when these men from the ministry approached and demanded admission .
6 The fire suddenly crackled and spat sparks .
7 A typical measure based on dynamic programming techniques aligns the recognised word string with the correct word string and reports correct , missing , substituted and inserted words .
8 We had telephoned and faxed King Hussein all along , informing him of our progress .
9 It was in the nature of a goodwill invitation , nothing more , none of us realising that he was the one man in Punta Arenas who had some idea of why an old wooden-walled East Indiaman , built like a frigate , should have been reconditioned and brought south by the Argentine Navy during the war .
10 With this announcement the powers which had occupied and divided Germany after the Second World War effectively accepted the inevitability of early German unification , although the statement contained no indication of the four powers ' preferred timetables for unification or for the two-plus-four negotiations .
11 Three years later he attacks and captures the Dwarf hold of Karak Drazh which is occupied and renamed Black Crag .
12 She sat at her ease on the sofa , with her long , booted and pantalooned legs crossed at the ankles , but the expression on her face was bored and haughty .
13 ( vi ) In the context of their own writing , pupils should learn to organise subject matter into paragraphs , recognising that these enable readers to identify relationships between ideas , events , etc and to follow the structure of a story , account or argument , etc. ( vii ) Through reading , listening to and talking about a wide range of texts , pupils should gradually be enabled to use , in their own writing , those grammatical structures that are characteristic of written language and an increasingly varied and differentiated vocabulary .
14 Is a recognition of contradictory yet interdependent , included and excluded meanings enough to provide feminist psychology with a double address to subjectivity and to gender relations ?
15 The Professor appeared impressed and asked Linnaeus to remain at Oxford and share his stipend .
16 In other words the candidates most likely to be nominated if they so wish will be those who were nominated and became TDs at the previous general election .
17 When he tried to make an arrest he was attacked and suffered cuts to an eyebrow and hand , and some bruising .
18 One man was attacked and suffered cuts to his face .
19 The High Court at Kilmarnock had heard how William Scott Currie had attacked and robbed Robert McMurtie , 54 , on 4 October last year .
20 This produces a critical blocking angle for both scattered and recoiled particles .
21 CANCELLED and delayed orders have hit the pipeline-laying specialist , AH Ball .
22 A MOTHER who returned home to find she had been burgled , collapsed and died minutes after the discovery .
23 This was given nine months before the bank collapsed and financed Gasco 's takeover of Cornish tin mining company St Piran .
24 Are those mine mum has n't rung and said Adrian 's got that job yet has he , she ?
25 The band of the Discharged and Demobilised Soldiers ' and Sailors ' Association performed for the patients and they were reported to have enjoyed another concert which included lantern views .
26 In his book , Tour Through the Whole Island of Great Britain , published in 1724 , the English author Daniel Defoe wrote of having seen the horn and heard it sounded at Coilsfield House ( later rebuilt and named Montgomerie House ) to call the servants to their duties .
27 Shut away in panicky , red-spotted darkness , she heard Albert shout , ‘ Come on , Nick , help me hold him , ’ and then looked and saw Mister Johnny struggling between Albert and Nick and Frederick crawling away , on the ground .
28 The visitors hustled and harried Alton , preventing them from settling into a rhythm and Alton , lacking the inspiration of the previous week , could find no ideas to counter them .
29 Around a third of them have been cautioned , fined and received points on their licences .
30 Among the generally positive replies was a negative one , stating that these lists always contained and perpetuated errors and that we would be better off accumulating a vast , unwieldy library of pertinent papers .
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