Example sentences of "[vb pp] be [det] [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 The novels considered are those read by the undiscriminating crowd .
2 I would repeat that , in my opinion , the only limitations on the type of order that can be made are those imposed by its statutory purpose and intended effect .
3 Today the only traditional costumes to be seen are those worn by the flower-sellers and folk dancers .
4 The kind of correlations we have seen are those shown by the ‘ Z sources ’ when on the horizontal branch of the X-ray colour-intensity diagram .
5 The evolutionary explanations I have used are all couched in terms of the benefit for the individual .
6 The techniques used are those learnt in literary analysis , particularly literary analysis as influenced by French ( post-modern ) thought .
7 The principal exemptions to the general requirement for investment advertisements to be approved are those contained in Section 58 of the FSA , those included in two statutory instruments issued in 1988 , SI 316 and SI 716 , and two statutory instruments issued in 1992 , SI 274 and SI 813 .
8 If the numbers to be compared are all written to the same number of decimal places , those pupils ignoring the decimal points will get questions " right " .
9 The most fundamental aspects of the liturgical renewal for which the Council called are all related to the biblical element in liturgy and to making it more accessible to all in the vernacular : the enormous enrichment of the lectionary , the emphasis on preaching the Word that has been read , the revelation of how biblically based the Eucharistic prayers and other sacramental actions are , and the restoration of the ‘ divine office ’ as the ‘ prayer of the Church ’ .
10 The Tropical Plants experts as the team was to be called were all seen tending the plants throughout the shopping centre .
11 Of the non-QTS qualifications , the best known are those developed by the Royal Society of Arts and now administered by the University of Cambridge Local Examinations Syndicate .
12 The changes that are being introduced are all designed to enable those who work in the NHS to give you even better care .
13 Those who had their immunity waived were all noted parliamentary figures : Carlo Tognoli ( PSI ) , the Minister of Tourism in the previous government , two other PSI members Paolo Pillitteri and Renato Massari , Antonio Del Pennino from the Italian Republican Party and Gianni Cervetti from the Democratic Party of the Left ( PDS , formerly the Communist Party of Italy ) .
14 The Mayor of Liverpool opened an appeal to assist them , and the eight men against whom a " true bill " was ultimately found were all discharged on agreeing to enlist in the Navy for war service .
15 Nothing changes/feelings shift , move endlessly in circles/moths beating at glass endlessly/all that energy expended on nothing/no-one lets you in/desire and what can be desired are all fixed within strict parameters/ established as everything you 're not/desire written against your body/encoded in all the spaces which are not you/contours which are not yours/you occupy the gap between desire and fulfilment/absence of choice/no choice at all/why are moths nocturnal when so strongly attracted to light ?
16 The day from which the Romans calculated and the day to be designated were both included , for example , 2 January was designated ante diem IV Non .
17 but those left were all spoken for .
18 For this exercise , the procedure being examined is that carried out within a section , and the procedure owner is taken to be the person who could authorise changes at this level ( eg by the introduction of pro-formats for day-to-day recording of mileage etc ) , in this case the head of each section .
19 planned were all despised .
20 Specifically mentioned were those connected with anti-war movements , especially those demonstrating against American involvement in Vietnam .
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