Example sentences of "[vb pp] be not [verb] " in BNC.

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1 ( a ) Contents of the Register Established under the Land Charges Act 1925 , this is of importance to every buyer , lessee and mortgagee of any property in England and Wales , because the matters registered are not referred to in either the Registers of registered land nor in the Central Land Charges Register .
2 And it 's the same idea in Confirmation that the gifts which you are given are not given just for yourself , they 're given to be used , and there 's no point in keeping them to yourself , you know .
3 If some item claimed is not covered under the Marine Policy it should be borne in mind that a Home Policy could provide cover — this is especially important if the Corporation holds the Home Policy as well as the Marine Policy .
4 Where he was educated is not known but he was apprenticed to John Marshall , a surgeon from Kilsyth , who was in charge of Glasgow University 's Physick garden in 1704 ( a physick garden was a source of herbs and other plants used for medical purposes ) .
5 The results presented are not detailed enough to assess the success of the method .
6 Apple Computer Inc 's Enterprise Systems Division will be launching its AppleSearch workgroup technology alongside the new servers : it is designed to give Macintosh users personalised , easy access to unstructured text , turning a collection of documents stored on a server into an on-line library — based on the contents of each document — which can be searched to find needed information quickly and easily ; the client-server AppleSearch is designed to deliver ad hoc access to information as well as proactive updates to its users on an immediate , daily or weekly basis ; documents to be searched are not altered by AppleSearch — they are stored in their native format and translated into searchable text by Apple 's XTND file conversion technology , which enables users to view text of documents without having the application that created them .
7 While the fears of some that deals had been done are not justified by our data , in at least one school senior staff claim to have received a Minor Project grant as a retrospective reward .
8 S grades and modules for which exemption has been granted are not included in the average .
9 Points made are not meant as criticism of the Computakit , but show areas where problems may arise and the possible solutions .
10 Note that whilst the axiomatic method permitted , in theory , the assuming of arbitrarily chosen sets of axioms , those adopted were not chosen at random , the aim being to reflect properties of concrete systems already deemed important .
11 In the eleventh chapter of Hebrews , that great chapter which deals with ‘ the nature and fruits of faith ’ as it is headed in the ‘ Thompson Chain Reference ’ bible , the third verse reads as follows - ‘ Through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God , so that things which are seen were not made of things which do appear . ’
12 The differences in feelings of attractiveness that were seen were not affected by the age , socioeconomic status or current occupation of the smokers or nonsmokers .
13 The justices either failed to make any determination in accordance with section 25(3) or failed to make any findings ( or state any reasons for finding ) as to whether ( i ) he was likely to abscond from any other description of accommodation ( part of the criteria under section 25(1) ( a ) ( i ) of the Act ; ( ii ) if he absconded , he would be likely to suffer significant harm ; ( b ) alternatively , any such findings as were made were not supported by the evidence before the justices .
14 Review of the case notes showed that coeliac disease had not been considered in any of these patients and the diagnoses that had been made were not supported by satisfactory evidence .
15 The resulting spectrum is similar to a conventional transmission spectrum , as radiation that is absorbed is not reflected .
16 What it does have a lot to do with is that the Moat Centre has not had clear significant management on the ground and what we 're proposing here today should produce that in the very near future and what the proposals that Mr proposals would have done is not produced that in the significant future and I think that 's the point that really needs to be stressed .
17 The Administration is embarrassed that the Fed is not providing more support to its commitment to lower the dollar .
18 Finally , you can apply to have your debtor made bankrupt or , if a company , to be wound up if the amount you are owed is not paid to you .
19 Every actor knows that whether or not collective benefits will be secured is not going to be influenced by his personal contribution .
20 So the course which was widely adopted was not to sell up entirely but to grant leases of land wanted for development .
21 After an appeal to the Bundesgerichtshof , the European Court of Justice affirmed that a fresh examination had to be made under Article 27(2) , and the court in the state where enforcement was sought was not bound by the determination made under Article 15 of the Hague Convention .
22 defendant in belief that it was necessary to enter an appearance before a payment into court could be made was not estopped when he sought to have the case dismissed for want of prosecution on discovering that the writ had not9 been served .
23 My resolve not to go back into education hardened , if anything , rather than softened , as I became more and more determined that the sacrifice I had made was not going to be in vain .
24 For the scales on the ‘ objective ’ measuring devices used to derive the data upon which the laws are founded are not validated independently of subjective experience .
25 Unlike many antibiotics , the antifungal agents commonly used are not absorbed from the gut and it is therefore not effective just to give tablets or capsules by mouth .
26 The purpose for which such financial powers are used are not codified in law .
27 Many , indeed the majority , of the page printers sold are not equipped with a PDL ; Hewlett Packard 's LaserJet , the biggest selling device in the market , does not support one other than as an optional extra .
28 Japan is known to have a high subcontract content in many companies but the figures were not available ; the difference between Japanese and other productivity figures was , however , so great that conclusions drawn were not invalidated .
29 The date when this would have occurred is not known , but it was probably in the late Saxon or early medieval period .
30 Two or more maps would be needed if the detail shown is not to get too great to be displayed or absorbed by the user .
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