Example sentences of "[vb pp] before and [verb] " in BNC.

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1 She disappeared through a door that George had not noticed before and called over her shoulder , ‘ Take your coat off and get comfy . ’
2 More generally in geography as a whole Chisholm ( 1967 ) dismissed the approach as formalizing what had been done before and employing ‘ a jargon-ridden statement of the obvious ’ .
3 Jenna was even tempted to do as she had done before and offer to stay , but this time she held her generosity in check .
4 I was n't too keen on this cheek to cheek business , with men I 'd never seen before and did n't know the names of , but I kept on telling myself not to be standoffish and to relax a bit , but as for jiving — no , I could n't do that .
5 Many of them have never acted before and came thick and fast to auditions with high hopes for a moment 's glory on ’ Inspector Morse . ’
6 Now , about to cross , she saw that it was swirling much more swiftly than when she had crossed before and fallen in .
7 Mahmoud thought of the way Zoser had escaped before and wavered slightly .
8 Anyway , the Americans were swearing like troopers , using language that he , Cyprian , had never heard before and hoped never to hear again ; then in stepped the British sergeant , who was quite out of this world …
9 Sometimes it would be Bessie , Billie , names we 'd all heard before and knew about ; her favourite fistful , the one she would recite just before she got up on stage , was Mae , Marie , Maria , Anna Mae B , La Miss , Marian …
10 I am glad to have the chance of following the hon. Member for Honiton ( Sir P. Emery ) , the Chairman of the Procedure Select Committee , although I strongly disagree with his suggestions , for reasons that I have given before and hope to repeat this evening .
11 Do n't despair if you 've tried before and failed .
12 This sort of thing has been tried before and failed .
13 Despite declarations that there would be no deal , officials yesterday grudgingly confirmed a Washington Post account of negotiations between Gen Noriega 's lawyers and the State Department , begun before and continued after the abortive coup in October .
14 Isabel remembered the huge black warhorse fitzAlan had ridden before and wondered what had happened to it .
15 If you have never dieted before and want to lose weight
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