Example sentences of "[vb pp] away [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 I think she 's getting carried away a bit there .
2 They were further charged with stealing a motor-cycle combination on which they are said to have carried away the safe .
3 I read the rest of the story ; the gist of it was I had idled away a year on full pay and what was the Government going to do about it ?
4 His coat and waistcoat swiftly followed it and his fingers ripped away the neckcloth about his throat , heedless of the ruin they effected .
5 Ruth wondered how Maria Luisa had explained away the baby she had conceived with her ‘ jolly good friend ’ .
6 Phillips too deep but Hills has n't got an easy ride here and in fact he 's given away a corner it 's good pressure .
7 She knew that , without meaning to , she had given away a lot of her life and thought , and wished she had not .
8 Prince Charlie 's servants ushering him urgently on to a boat , looking anxiously over their shoulders to check that no traitor has deceived them and given away the location of the Prince 's departure , when suddenly the Prince spies a dark hole some miles away on the side of a hill .
9 Wait a minute — out of the corner of my eye at Temple Meads Station , when I 'd blinked away the vision of Mum swallowing mud , I 'd seen a sign on the window of the buffet : Vacancies .
10 Howells left his station to score the first after 67 minutes , and by the time Teddy Sheringham had tucked away a second from the penalty spot — earned by the sheer stamina of Durie — Spurs could have had a couple more .
11 Gray , who had tucked away the penalty which set up Quakers ' promotion to the Third Division only a few weeks before , had never managed a club , and by Christmas it was becoming clear that , while a likeable character , he was not in the same class as his predecessor .
12 She had half expected him to contact her after she had turned away the team of cleaners he 'd sent to her house to clear up the mess , but she had heard nothing .
13 God aye you 've probably chucked away a fortune .
14 If I had n't chucked away the rulebook shortly after Johannes Gutenburg invented printing , this would be the proper time for me to rise and shine .
15 Mrs Oliver is walking the dog , Alfred has washed and tidied away the tea things while keeping an eye on the shop from the adjoining neat and spotlessly clean flat .
16 For the general view of music-making in the Nineteenth Century is inaccurate : time has winnowed away the reputations of many of the figures best known at the time , and completely obscured the smaller fry that occupied nine-tenths of the publishers ' catalogues of those days .
17 Thus began a 30 minute gag-telling session , doctor gags , hospital gags and funeral gags , until we 'd laughed away the atmosphere .
18 Her hair was piled at her head , tied in a scarlet bandanna , and when she turned her face to look wanly up at us there were soot-marks on her brow and cheeks where she had wiped away the sweat with the back of her hand .
19 And it was as though someone had peeled away the skin from her nerve-ends .
20 as if he , too , was perplexed , the man frowned , then he lifted off his helmet and peeled away the balaclava .
21 I bought the sandwich and carefully peeled away the Cellophane , but just as I lifted it to my mouth the train lurched violently over a siding , making the bottles clatter in the drinks trolley and causing all the meatballs to jump off the bun , like sailors abandoning a burning ship .
22 The bag struck the paving , bounced , and now the boy caught it and peeled away the bag to reveal a football which he struck in a high , curling shot which ricocheted off the wall slightly to the left of a priest who had emerged from the large church which dosed off one end of the piazza .
23 The engine was written off , peeled away the fuselage .
24 Apparently , an unseasonable deluge had washed away a section of river bank , exposing the perfectly preserved carcass of a woolly mammoth .
25 There she wept for her sins and her tears washed away the blood ; The form in which this sermon harnesses the pressure of fear as well as the promise of comfort , provides a recognisable cultural context for the form of Margery Kempe 's initial vision of salvation and witnesses to the high esteem in which tears as a sign of spiritual grace were held in the fifteenth century .
26 Then the heavens opened for torrential rain , thunder and lightning and the resulting floods washed away the bridges on the high road from Bridgend to Port Ellen and on the low road over the Machrie river .
27 Waves washed away the words on the page as they swamped islands , ships , sailing craft and poets ' daughters .
28 Peggy Wood speaks for the Past and Present Team : ‘ No sooner had we packed away the remnants of Past and Present 1991 , than things began to arrive in the cupboard for 1992 – and what a selection of lovely bits and pieces .
29 Soon after dawn , I set off , having packed away the sail and mast on the Land Rover .
30 Sometimes Mother Francis and Miss Pine from the dress shop would take her on an outing to Dublin , but she had never stayed away a night .
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