Example sentences of "[vb pp] over [adj] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Attempts to interfere with the liturgy ; the abolition , for economic reasons , of some of the very numerous religious holidays ; the dissolution of the Jesuits , still deeply respected over much of Catholic Europe — all these manifestations of enlightenment could easily arouse widespread and sincere opposition .
2 The 693 quarto reissue was a belated attempt to catch up ; and since much of that ( 44 text pages out of 52 ) was carried over unchanged from 1692 , it needs to be tested critically too .
3 Geographically the first phase of brooches tend not to duster in any particular region and are found dispersed over much of England .
4 Clicking with the mouse while the cursor is positioned over one of the buttons turns on the appropriate function or turns it off it is already on .
5 " I do n't know if you realize , but your Aunt made over most of her stuff to you when you married this fellow .
6 In the previous year , Central Office wished to promote Captain Edwards , the chief agent for Birmingham , to be a Central Office district agent , but they were thwarted by the Chamberlains , who wished to keep him to look after Birmingham ; Neville Chamberlain arranged to have Edwards paid enough in Birmingham to keep him there and the interests of Birmingham thus prevailed over those of the party as a whole .
7 Ideas very similar to his proposals for Karlovka eventually prevailed over those of the tsar , the gentry and his own ministerial superiors .
8 For British lakes with limited alkalinity , critical loads of sulphur are put at 3–6 kg/S/ha , a level exceeded over most of the country .
9 Fairy lights were hung over many of the mosques and houses .
10 The resulting ASCII file can then be transferred over any of the links , Email included , and re-formatted at the target system .
11 Careful scrutiny reveals that the cross-sections of such scarps are something like that shown in Figure 7.7 ( b ) , which in turn can represent the situation shown in Figure 7.7 ( c ) in which one piece of surface is thrust over another at a low angle .
12 The changes induced over each of the four segments of path are respectively and and are evaluated at the location indicated within parentheses .
13 The laws of libel and courtesy to the living provide that a decorous Fifties-style Hollywood curtain be drawn over some of these matters .
14 Thus , as far as the termination and re-grant of a franchise is concerned , Rask suggests that the decision of the EAT in LMCDrains Ltd v Waught ( EAT 182/90 ) , upholding an application of the Regulations , is to be preferred over that of the same court in Robert Seligman Corp v Baker [ 1983 ] ICR 770 , denying their applicability .
15 Suppose that the mating preference was asymmetrically arranged around the familiar so that first cousins with conspicuous plumage were preferred over those with dowdier plumage , then there would have been a relentless pressure for plumage to become more conspicuous .
16 But I mean , she 's probably done something like that and she 's just got over dramatic about it !
17 Jansen has indicated she wants to had over some of her executive responsibilities because her daughter is seriously ill .
18 Rosa ‘ Dorothy Perkins ’ , with small , double , pink flowers has clambered over one of them to such an extent that a visitor to the garden once asked about the ‘ carnation tree ’ .
19 Truth values have to be redistributed over some of our statements .
20 Despite my wealth of experience and my time as an instructor , I had become over confident in my own ability .
21 A tall , angular-looking man was hunched over one of the control panels , perfectly still , attentive , a bulky wraparound making his head seem grotesquely huge .
22 Although no evidence of his activities before 1643 survives , we know that by then he had married , had established a house and warehouse at Leadenhall Street , and had brought over many of his relatives to work for him in England .
23 As indicated in the first chapter , there has evolved during relatively recent times a " traditional " listing of Muftis , the tradition beginning essentially with Mustakimzade and reaching perhaps definitive expression in the widely-used the equally widely-used chronological history by Danismend , and , more recently , Altunsu 's In respect at least of the origins of the institution this tradition has triumphed over another of some antiquity , advanced by Katib Celebi and followed by Hezarfen and the western authors d'Ohsson and Hammer , which names Hizir Bey ( d. 863/1459 ) , the first kadi of Istanbul , as the first Seyhulislam and which differs in several other respects from the now-accepted account of the succession of fifteenth-century Muftis .
24 Leopards are found over much of Africa , from South-West Asia to China , Korea and Java .
25 The Brazilian Tapir is the largest animal to be found over much of its forested wetland habitat .
26 The monarch butterfly , found over much of North America , has been much studied because of its noxious qualities .
27 A few , like the river Wye which flows from Plynlimon in mid Wales down to the Severn , are designated ‘ Sites of Special Scientific Interest ’ and support salmonoid fish such as trout , otters , a wide range of invertebrates such as crayfish and dragonflies , along with many plants that are sensitive to high nitrate levels and which have disappeared over much of the country in recent years .
28 Ad quodraturn is basically one square laid over another at an angle of 45 degrees , and has been one of the commonest systems employed throughout the world .
29 The elephant is widely distributed over much of Asia though the population is dwindling .
30 Hornbills are distributed over much of Asia and Africa but the two Sulawesi species are unique to the island .
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