Example sentences of "[vb pp] back in [noun prp] " in BNC.

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1 Self falls under the auspices of Sun 's project Spring , which , as originally reported back in March ( UX No 377 ) , is not a replacement for Sun 's operating system , but a collection of object technologies which the company hopes it will be able to use to short circuit the evolution of Solaris and its software development environments .
2 Aid worker Rod Jones was expected back in Middlesbrough today after an arduous trip to take milk to Romanian babies .
3 Mr Major was expected back in London at midnight , after his 12-hour visit .
4 He is not expected back in London until after Christmas .
5 Captain Lawton and his men seem to have had a fairly trouble-free time of it , because all 15 of them were duly discharged back in London after the seven-month voyage .
6 Castration was what I would have recommended back in England , where there is less space for dogs to wander and where welfare considerations for a dog out on his own are obviously of prime concern .
7 The use of sage , whether for medicinal or culinary purposes , dated back in Europe at least several centuries B.C. when it was listed in Theophrastus " writings on plants .
8 And the teacher , too , might have made the same terrible mistake that she had made back in Teheran all those years before .
9 He was always talking about the board he was having shaped back in Sydney .
10 The idea of Game Gallery was born back in September when Edward , a pupil at Hummersknott School , lamented a lack of software shops in the town .
11 In all probability there were young cubs below , born back in February , and their sleeping quarters must be kept warm and dry .
12 When we reached our hotel and unlocked a suitcase we had kept , we thought , rigidly fastened back in Devon , we were mortified to find mountains of confetti cascading all over the floor .
13 The audience of willing females had shouted the answer so loudly that it could probably have been heard back in Monte Samana .
14 I thought of the most dedicated cricket fanatic I had ever known back in South Africa — a man who despite repeated heart attacks , doctors ' warnings and family entreaties to stop playing the game , had persisted with club cricket to the end , in his sixties diving after slip catches as recklessly as he had in his teens .
15 Most of William 's twenty-one years as King of England , was spent back in Normandy protecting his Duchy from his continental neighbours .
16 Four British Muslims freed by Saddam Hussein from captivity in Iraq , have just arrived back in England , the wife of one of them says she 's overjoyed at the news .
17 It would certainly be necessary to make some further enquiries among the tourists , particularly about their activities during the key period between the time Kemp had arrived back in Oxford , and the pre-dinner drinks when everyone except Eddie Stratton , it appeared , was accounted for .
18 The girl was dumped back in Newport , Gwent , and staggered into a house for help .
19 The death scene was filmed back in Hollywood at the MGM studios .
20 Group financial accountant Tony Hall told ACCOUNTANCY that a decision to use the direct method was taken back in December 1991 so that adequate time could be devoted to making the necessary analyses .
21 Well than the other the other thing which I think particularly in the last one that we did which was finished back in March , we kept on changing the specification , because it started off such a such and specification and it was going to the Hanover Fair in Germany
22 Ironically , Rockefeller was exactly that type of capitalist he would have despised back in England .
23 HAD anyone suggested back in December that Scotland would be in a position to win the Triple Crown by the last match of 1993 , just after the A XV had played Italy , they would probably have been led quietly away for a mental examination .
24 ‘ His mother 's widowed back in Sardinia and there are two smaller children , a lad of fourteen who 's here helping Rudolfo and a girl at home with her mother .
25 But , although the game continues to produce books by the yard , only one this year made any impact on a library already overstocked with histories and instruction tomes , and even that was published back in April .
26 This had been again held back in September because of Argentina 's failure to meet economic performance targets .
27 Before the dropping of the atomic bombs , the Americans had feared that the Russians would not honour their pledge to join the war against the Japanese , and it is believed that the Allied forces were held back in Europe , so that the Russian troops could advance through the eastern part of Europe into Czechoslovakia .
28 Despite his knowledge of the trigger-happy propensities of the Dutch soldiery Mountbatten agreed to the introduction of Netherlands forces , previously held back in Malaya , early in March 1946 because ‘ the quality of these Netherlands troops was far superior to that of the forces which had originally landed in Java ’ .
29 Their most recent album , ‘ Get A Grip ’ , released back in April , was their 11th studio long player to date , and they have sold over million discs around the globe .
30 He and Matchsticks blended in perfectly as had been predicted back in Teheran .
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