Example sentences of "[vb pp] from [det] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 You know that 's all right he may , might , alright there may of been a soldier there , but they 've just come from that direction
2 There 's a draught , it must of come from that window there I think .
3 Once the catalogue is written , the specialist calculates the quantities of each type of pottery that have come from each layer and makes observations about the significance of the groups of pottery .
4 A lot of the men , had come from this pit where dad worked .
5 So that 's been very important , economies of scale are very important in the erm , the growth of manufacturing trade , which is essentially an increase in intra , in intra industry trade , as , as opposed to inter industry trade which is erm the simultaneous import and export of er products from different industries like produce capital goods , so cars and in return you will import erm food products but the majority of the increase in world trade has come from this intra industry variety .
6 Much of what we now know , in a still difficult and very controversial area , about different kinds of ‘ televised violence ’ and their differential effects on differently situated children , or about the effects of different kinds of political broadcasting — party statements , electoral reporting , definitions of the ‘ main issues ’ — has come from this kind of research .
7 The proposal has come from Scotia , but might equally have come from this side .
8 Did this paint particle come from this car body ?
9 The revolutionaries might as well have come from another planet for all the relevance their schemes had to the real concerns of the peasantry .
10 A few fishing boats sat in the lagoon , some outrigger canoes were drawn up on the sand and one small pleasure yacht , which must have come from another island , was anchored to a buoy .
11 In each case , the new school now contained fry of two different sizes , and so it was clear that some must have come from another family .
12 The £40,000 with of high technology next to it may just as well have come from another world as another country .
13 The result is that older people can be attacked from either direction regardless of what they decide to do .
14 Far below , in the street opposite the 550 building , stood the tall statue of the Garment Worker , strangely distorted from this angle , and around the plinth on which it stood ant-like figures of vagrants and layabouts sat , oblivious to the cold .
15 The irony is even though the travellers have now been evicted from this field in Enstone … it will stay unused … the landowers are being paid to keep it that way as part of the Ministry of Agriculture 's Set Aside policy
16 I have a memory , half forgotten from that time of youth and magic , that knows of a secret garden .
17 Overall , the world 's savanna lands ( those in Australia have been omitted from this discussion as this chapter deals specifically with developing countries ) present both considerable potential and considerable environmental degradation .
18 Barbados-born John Holder , who umpired four Tests in Pakistan in 1989–90 , has been omitted from this year 's panel for international matches , which comprises ‘ Dickie ’ Bird , Barry Dudleston , John Hampshire , Mervyn Kitchen , Battie Mayer , Ken and Roy Palmer , and David Shepherd .
19 China was conspicuously omitted from this scheme since it had already rejected it .
20 But I was not ready for the sheer , throat-tightening beauty of virtually the entirety of this CD , which contains all eleven of Jenkins 's six-part Fantasias ( a twelfth may be spurious , and was omitted from this recording ) as well as the other works for six-part viol consort , the two Pavans and two In Nomines .
21 Intentionally omitted from this volume and its companions is any more subjective appreciation or interpretation of Magritte 's art .
22 They can not be omitted from this book .
23 It seems unlikely that many cases will occur now in relation to the old law , and therefore it is omitted from this book .
24 Mr Heseltine has long advocated an extension of such agencies to other British regions , and Sir Geoffrey 's new-found support could signal Cabinet debate on industrial policy — an issue which has been omitted from this week 's conference agenda .
25 The boot containing the folding camp bed is omitted from this view — cf photographs .
26 Criticism of the theories has been omitted from this chapter for the sake of simplicity .
27 ( Three authors publishing more than 100 papers each have been omitted from this graph ) .
28 ( Three authors publishing more than 100 papers each have been omitted from this graph ) .
29 Nyamwisi Movingi had resigned from this post on March 22 , accusing the government of leading the country to disaster .
30 It was reported on July 18 , in an apparently unrelated development , that the president of the HDUR , Géza Domokos , had resigned from this post .
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