Example sentences of "[vb pp] by [pers pn] with " in BNC.

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1 Some matters , such as boundaries , will need to be resolved by him with the vendor 's solicitors .
2 Even then , as servants pushed by us with buckets of water and began to douse the flames , I knew there was something wrong .
3 ( 2 ) … in relation to an institution in respect of which a payment falls to be made under section 58(2) above any reference in this Act to a depositor 's protected deposit is a reference to the liability of the institution to him in respect of — ( a ) the principal amount of each sterling deposit which was made by him with a United Kingdom office of the institution before the making of the administration order and which under the terms on which it was made is or becomes due or payable while the order is in force ; and ( b ) accrued interest on any such deposit up to the time when it is or becomes due and payable as aforesaid ; but so that the total liability of the institution to him in respect of such deposits does not exceed £20,000 .
4 I have said nothing all these weeks , because there had of course to be an arrangement made by us with your former publishers , which is now completed , if you agree .
5 In order for an exchange to become a recognised investment exchange , it must demonstrate to the SIB that , inter alia : ( a ) it has financial resources sufficient for the proper performance of its functions ; ( b ) that it has rules and practices which ensure that business conducted by means of its facilities is conducted in an orderly manner , affording proper protection to investors ; ( c ) it limits dealings on the exchange to investments in which there is a proper market ; ( d ) where relevant , issuers of investments dealt in on the exchange are required to comply with such obligations as will , so far as possible , afford to persons dealing in the investments proper information for determining their current value ; ( e ) it has its own arrangements for ensuring performance of transactions effected on the exchange or ensures their performance by means of services provided under clearing arrangements made by it with a recognised clearing house ; ( f ) it has ( or secures the provision on its behalf of ) satisfactory arrangements for recording the transaction effected on the exchange ; ( g ) it has adequate arrangements and resources for the effective monitoring and enforcement of compliance with its rules and any clearing arrangements made by it ; ( h ) it has effective arrangements for the investigation of complaints in respect of business transacted by means of its facilities ; and ( i ) it is able and willing to promote and maintain high standards of integrity and fair dealing in the carrying on of investment business and to co-operate by the sharing of information and otherwise with regulators .
6 He reflected that , after all , it was the attitude he would wish to see adopted by her with their own servants , when they should have them ; and handed her into the jeweller 's .
7 Thus , McConaghy and his colleagues carried out a series of experiments on what they call ‘ allusive thinking ’ , a concept similar to overinclusive thinking and actually measured by them with a clinical , thought disorder test .
8 In this case the message sent on the SWIFT system from the US bank to the UK bank is that your ( NOSTRO ) account has been credited by us with $10 000 , in return pass on this amount to the named beneficiary , the UK exporter .
9 By this time Lewis was off into a fantasy in which a girl Adam had got pregnant had been abandoned by him with their child at Wyvis Hall where she had later been murdered by a sinister caretaker .
10 Many of his junior colleagues in Glasgow and Edinburgh subsequently filled senior academic and hospital posts in this country and overseas and he is remembered by them with much gratitude and affection .
11 In his lecture ‘ Le Cubisme écartelé ’ given at the Section d'Or on 11 October and later added to Les Peintres Cubistes when the book was already in proof , Apollinaire divided Cubism into four categories , Orphism being the most advanced : ‘ It is the art of painting new harmonies out of elements borrowed not from visual reality but created entirely by the artist and endowed by him with a powerful presence .
12 There follows a specimen clause as to costs : In the event of the proposed acquisition not proceeding , either because you withdraw from the transaction or because management or their financiers withdraw because of some material item coming to light of which they were not previously aware , or because contract details can not be reasonably agreed ; then you will reimburse management for all reasonable costs incurred by them with their advisers and financiers .
13 In July 1927 the Criterion published ‘ Land 's End ’ by Archibald MacLeish , a poem celebrating the sea and an ‘ ancient people ’ who had lived by it with gods ‘ carved with the muzzles of jackals ’ .
14 " The examination being closed we then distributed under the recommendation of the Examiner various Books to the boys who had chiefly distinguished themselves as a reward for assiduity and good conduct , and as an incitement to future exertions which were received by them with marked satisfaction . "
15 My suggestion to Angus , while we were dishwashing after the battle , that maybe his food could have been injected somehow with a substance that even now could be working away to the detriment of everyone 's health was received by him with frosty amusement .
16 It was only at that point that we felt confident that the field-worker was being talked to by respondents as a person rather than as some novel sex object , and the veracity of what they said could be treated by us with more confidence .
17 On my first arrival it stunned me so as to be insupportable : but such is the power of habit that the same noise is now heard by me with pleasure ; in the night particularly , when in bed and afar , on my terrace , this music sounds in my ears as solemn , grand and melodious .
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