Example sentences of "[vb pp] that only [art] " in BNC.

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1 Michael Meacher and Frank Field have stressed that only a limited circle of people were actively involved in formulating the industrial policy proposals , and that beyond this circle , understanding of the proposals was rather minimal .
2 If the function of the leave requirement is to weed out unarguable or vexatious cases it might be expected that only a small proportion of cases would fail at this stage .
3 Although it might be expected that only the better-educated and wealthier sections of the community would watch television , the existence of the extended family system meant that the television sets owned by prosperous Zambians were also watched by a number of relatives who were less well off .
4 It should not be forgotten that only the endowed chantries were confiscated under the Chantries Act ; the guilds still continued but more as funeral clubs than intercessionary fraternities .
5 It is considered that only a solicitor can act Mr reward as an agent , as was thought was the position under the 1959 Act .
6 Practically all the land above 1,500 feet falls into this category and a great deal of it is so poorly drained that only the sourest peaty soils are found .
7 Solihull teachers were strongly so , but it should be recalled that only a relatively small proportion of them had had any direct experience of the process .
8 It was decided that only a CPIS would meet the requirements imposed by these key issues .
9 What is more it had long been accepted that only the pope could perform this .
10 Although studies have revealed that only a small subgroup of such diabetics have reduced plasma renin , in those with nephropathy both plasma renin activity and plasma aldosterone tend to be decreased ( Christlieb , 1978 ) .
11 In the erotic landscape on which her thoughts now opened , the illusory and the actual were so intimately twinned that only the most cautious eye might distinguish between them ; and at each passionate encounter the symbolic and the literal seemed to enfold their embrace more tightly .
12 It may have been that on his original appearance this condition would not have been satisfied , as it could not have been said that only a custodial sentence was adequate to protect the public from serious harm from him , if the alternative of a probation order requiring residence at a hostel specialising in sexual offenders was available .
13 It is sometimes said that only the Exodus complaint stories and the one in Numbers 20 , which we will come to in a moment , deal with matters of life and death .
14 Mr Rifkind , who was in Darlington last night for a meeting of the Conservative Association , has said that only the Conservative party has a proper strategy for improvements to Britain 's roads .
15 As the Conservatives themselves hesitantly took up the theme of citizenship in response to opposition challenge , it was argued that only a more flexible , compassionate style of Toryism could be their route to safety .
16 Given the specialised nature of law , it is argued that only the professionals themselves are properly qualified for the task .
17 These boxes stood above ground and were , therefore , visible and obvious targets , but they were so solidly made that only a direct hit by a heavy shell could destroy them .
18 The procedure followed ensured that only a certain response would disambiguate the message .
19 One might have thought that only a particular unit of the type could be ‘ tried on ’ , but that seems not to be the case .
20 It had been thought that only the penalty was prescribed by statute , just as the penalty for murder is laid down by Parliament .
21 We were then told that only a handful of high-spending authorities would be capped .
22 Multivariate analysis has shown that only a mild histological picture ( chronic persistent hepatitis ) is an independent pretreatment variable that predicts response to treatment .
23 It is understood that only a few specialist posts are likely to be be transferred .
24 Although , at current rates , the married couple 's allowance increases to £2,465 where either partner is aged 65 or over , or to £2,505 where either partner is aged 75 or over , it should be noted that only the basic £1,720 is transferable .
25 It is well known that only a great dancer-artist can suggest the development of the sixteen-year-old Aurora , happy at her birthday , into the dreamy figure the Prince meets in the woodland glade and on to her final entrance as a triumphant princess fully awake to her responsibilities as Queen-to-be .
26 However , it is widely known that only a small proportion of such qualifying mergers are referred , and further that vertical mergers are a small proportion of the total .
27 It is well known that only a minority of alcoholics are afflicted with clinical pancreatitis and the issue of individual susceptibility to alcoholic pancreatitis has recently been reviewed .
28 Under pressure from property developers , local authorities and site owners , however , the government has now proposed that only the " most contaminated " sites ( amounting to around 10-15 per cent of the total ) would be registered .
29 Though in this form the list looks a long one , it must be remembered that only a limited number of schools have introduced more than a few changes .
30 Scientists are concerned that their increasing use may be having a damaging effect on river and animal life , although it is acknowledged that only a small proportion of the phosphate in our rivers and lakes comes from domestic sources .
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