Example sentences of "[vb pp] that what is " in BNC.

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1 It seems sometimes to be supposed that what is commendable about a communicative approach to language teaching is that it does not , as a structural approach does , have to get learners to puzzle their heads with grammar .
2 Consequently , it is recognized that what is offered can only be a highly personal and limited selection of developments in disciplines other than financial management , with a few isolated ideas on linkages between them .
3 Even though it may be said that what is taken on in the incarnation is a humanity in which we all share , it is still the case that the form in which this universal nature is said to have been taken on is that of a male human being .
4 It may simply be said that what is needed for two events to be cause and effect as we understand them is that the probability of the second , given the first , is higher than the probability of the second , given the absence of the first .
5 The argument is often made that what is required is applied research to deliver products and processes directly to industry .
6 I 'd have thought that what is , what is
7 Not only will the ranks of its future membership suffer , but the impression will be conveyed that what is done in church is For Adults Only .
8 Kean has proposed that what is omitted in spontaneous speech are the elements of sentences which are unstressed — commonly , prefixes , suffixes and function words .
9 It must be remembered that what is described is , almost without exception , the church as it existed at the time of writing .
10 It should be emphasised that what is meant here is not just " contextually " dispensable but " universally " dispensable .
11 All the accounts of latent inhibition discussed so far have assumed that what is learned during pre-exposure interferes with the formation of the CS-US association .
12 In the discussion which follows it will be assumed that what is being referred to is a receiver appointed out of court .
13 And , now that the Act expressly recognises that a firm , as such , may be appointed and that increasingly accountancy firms are incorporated , it is expressly stated that what is then required is a signature in the name of the firm by a person authorised to sign on its behalf .
14 Well , most obviously I have learnt that what is good for me can not necessarily be applied to everyone , although I still tend to dish out unsolicited advice .
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