Example sentences of "[vb pp] that during [art] " in BNC.

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1 The officers were reminded that during the party split over common market membership in 1971 an executive member who opposed the Government line took the ‘ honourable course ’ and resigned .
2 It is claimed that during the hour-long phone call Prince Charles and Camilla exchange affectionate remarks as they try to find a ‘ safe ’ house to meet .
3 Two magazines have claimed that during the 1980s safety tests at three nuclear plants in West Germany had been manipulated .
4 However , it is considered that during the first stage of the expansion of GIS use the largest group of new users are non-computer-literate professionals who frequently have a highly developed insight into spatial data .
5 they , they would normally of er received that during the year ending August nineteen ninety two
6 One journalist has written that during the Grunwick dispute of the late 1970s a tap was attached to the telephone used by the strike committee in the Brent Trades ' Council offices in Willesden Lane .
7 The book can be seen as an attempt by Scott to assert himself as leading expert on Gothic Revival secular buildings , perhaps having felt that during the great church-building period of the 1840s and 1850s his work was overshadowed by that of other architects , particularly Pugin and Street .
8 It is generally accepted that during the period of the First Crusade knights began to wear distinguishing marks of one kind or another .
9 It is also generally accepted that during the fourth century not only were units of a field army serving in Britain but also regular troops were acting as urban garrisons .
10 It is argued that during the dry phases , the humid forests would have been fragmented into island-like refugia ( Figure 7.1 ) of isolated blocks of forest .
11 We have seen that during a period of twenty years between the wars , town planning in Britain consolidated its position in local authority practice , consultant advocacy and professional solidarity , though little was achieved by way of addition to intellectual content or method .
12 Antique furniture , yes , erm , because I 'd bought that during the war in various antique places , you know , and erm , what did we buy , no I think my father gave us the bedroom furniture was , which was at the
13 A disciplinary panel imposed the ban on all the club 's senior players after a hearing earlier this week was told that during the Division IV match , two Cumbernauld players had been sent off .
14 A disciplinary panel imposed the ban on all the club 's senior players after a hearing earlier this week was told that during the Division IV match , two Cumbernauld players had been sent off .
15 Mr MacGregor will be told that during the first 12 of the 13 four-week periods of the 1992-93 financial year — which ends in a fortnight — fare income was up 9 per cent on the equivalent periods a year earlier .
16 It was agreed that during the next 12 years his earnings would have been £21,000 per annum , which would have given him £7,500 after tax .
17 It is envisaged that during the phasing out of ‘ O ’ Grades and the introduction of the Revised Higher syllabuses the needs of school pupils will be well served by the new sciences module matrix .
18 It was alleged that during the incident , at which more police arrived , a black woman was assaulted .
19 Previous studies have shown that during a primed/continuous four hour infusion of C labelled leucine hormonally stimulated pancreatic enzyme secretion only becomes labelled after a delay period of approximately 100 minutes .
20 It has been shown that during the period there is flow of menstrual products backwards up the fallopian tubes and even into the abdominal cavity .
21 The results of the project have shown that during the late Neogene and early to mid-Pleistocene a huge delta system developed in the southern North Sea basin .
22 Monitoring over the past 50 years has shown that during the 1960s deep convection did not occur and the temperature and salinity of LSW gradually increased .
23 It was previously shown that during the process of malignant transformation in the large intestine the expression of integrins was changed in a typical pattern .
24 CAMPOP 's researches have shown that during the 100 years after 1540 England 's population rose from about 2.75 millions to roughly 5 millions .
25 Other studies have also demonstrated that during the second year most children become responsive to the distress and anger of other family members ( Cummings et al .
26 It should also be remembered that during the 14 years that the African elephant was listed on Appendix II , some 700,000 elephants were slaughtered .
27 It will be remembered that during the last 30 years of life the King had suffered from a distressing illness that resulted in his being kept under guard and even put into a straight-jacket : if he had said anything about the origin of the instrument it is unlikely that much weight would be given to his words .
28 W.J. White confuses matters more by saying that ‘ the body of Elizabeth I was so poorly embalmed that during the funeral the coffin exploded , owing to the accumulation of the gaseous products of decomposition ’ .
29 In a further sign of improving links with black Africa , it was announced that during the weekend of de Klerk 's visit to Kenya , South African Airways flights were routed over west Africa for the first time for nearly 30 years , the government having secured overflight rights with Morocco , Mauritania , Mali and Côte d'Ivoire .
30 Spain and Portugal stressed during the proceedings their willingness to continue to act as bridges for Latin American access to the European Communities ; the Spanish government also announced that during the next four to five years it would invest over US$14,000 million in the Latin American region .
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