Example sentences of "[vb pp] that [adv] if " in BNC.

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1 Although often unreliable , the weapons carried by the crew of a War Wagon are sufficiently varied that even if some of them malfunction , some of the others are bound to work .
2 However it should be recalled that even if an obligation of confidence is held to exist the grant of an injunction is in the discretion of the court .
3 The argument was heard that even if , in the 1930s , there were other and perhaps more dangerous aggressors in the world , the latest imperialists had been inspired and encouraged by the deplorable yet seductive empire-building example set by the British .
4 I have heard that even if they lose 15 per cent of the money coming in at the moment , some of them could fold .
5 But having said that even if they all believed in themselves we still know that a lot of people would n't get a job .
6 Sometimes it is argued that even if researchers do not really believe in the religion that they are studying , they will get more information if they pretend to do so — if , in other words , they use covert , rather than overt , methods of investigation .
7 It is sometimes argued that even if the sentences analysed in linguistics are abstractions , which sometimes sound very odd , they are still the best material for language study , because they isolate it from its context .
8 Secondly and/or alternatively , it is argued that even if this is a case where the conventional Cyanamid principles fall to be applied , the mother 's claim to interlocutory relief falls at the first hurdle , namely the establishment of an arguable prima facie case .
9 Thus , for centuries it used to be thought that even if a woman expressed her lack of consent in every way within her power , if she conceived as a result of the intercourse , she must in fact have consented .
10 We were told that even if inward migration was to stop for the next ten years , 45,000 new houses would still be needed to cater for the predicted natural growth of 49,000 people , plus the trend towards smaller households .
11 In the church , the blacks have no hymnbooks , and we are told that even if they had them they probably could not read them , showing that the blacks are oppressed and have no opportunity of an education .
12 Similarly when told that only if he returned all his tournament winnings would he get to heaven William replied in exasperation that it was impossible .
13 It should be noted that even if Core Rule 36 modifies the duty of undivided loyalty as a matte of public law , 65 it will not provide protection where information crosses the wall.66 Further difficulties arise where a manager " overlooks " the wall in the course of discharging his managerial duties .
14 Hopes were high when it was found that even if the organizer tissue were killed it could still induce , for this offered the possibility of extracting the responsible chemical signal .
15 For we are taught both by the words of worthy men of old and by our experience that this is a most certain sign , and it has been found that even if she be urged and exhorted by solemn conjurations to shed tears , if she be a witch she will not be able to weep : although she will assume a tearful aspect and smear her cheeks and eyes with spittle to make it appear that she is weeping ; wherefore she must be closely watched by the attendants .
16 There is not space to discuss here even briefly the many controversial issues raised in the literature on corporatism , but in so far as territorial politics are concerned , it must be observed that even if there was or is a trend towards greater centralisation of political representation , this does not at all mean that there might not also be a functional deconcentration towards the periphery in specific cases .
17 Erm there 's also a view been expressed that well if you 're going to have it it may need some more guidance than is presently written into it .
18 But social service officials have warned that even if this latest rescue mission is successful the children could face long-term emotional problems .
19 … It has been held that even if a court , having full discretion in the matter of the costs of any proceeding , deals in its order with such costs , a party can still enforce an antecedent agreement in relation thereto inconsistent with the court 's order : Mansfield v. Robinson .
20 For instance , in Shearson Lehman v Maclaine Watson it was held that even if the exchange had no power in its rules to suspend dealings on the tin market , such a rule should be implied , since it would be self-defeating if the exchange 's power to carry on business did not include , in certain circumstances , a power to cease part of that business .
21 In the case of credit , it has been suggested that even if barely one in three consumers is aware of credit costs , and even if only a few of them use the information to shop around actively , lenders might compete with lower rates as a result .
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