Example sentences of "[vb pp] that [pers pn] have " in BNC.

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1 We have all wished that we 'd had the perfect retort at some time , but most of us can only think of something smart about three days later .
2 ‘ And , for your information , I 've long wished that I 'd never heard of you — or your wretched grandmother .
3 Since those days I have sometimes wished that I had been able to record on tape the conversations I had with Gilbert Harding , who was an intellectual .
4 I 've often wished that I had stayed on and tried for university , but I was n't keen , and my family was n't the sort to encourage it .
5 If you have ever wished that you had a third hand to make notes we have the answer .
6 Last night there was more evidence of the couple 's unhappiness when it was disclosed that they had a furious row at Balmoral shortly before the ‘ love tapes ’ were published .
7 The Halifax , Britain 's biggest building society , also disclosed that it had set aside a £20m provision against its loans to the collapsed London docklands developer Kentish Property Group .
8 But in the immediate wake of the October 19 crash , IBM 's most serious rival , Comdisco , disclosed that it had lost $100m in a business that had nothing to do with its main occupation of leasing and trading IBM equipment .
9 Eventually , on Feb. 25 , the Israeli Foreign Ministry disclosed that it had formally requested additional US military aid worth US$1,000 million to offset defence costs incurred as a result of the crisis .
10 The doubts about Mr Lamont 's survival grew after it was disclosed that he had withdrawn from the panel on BBC TV 's Question Time programme tomorrow , with Mr Clarke replacing him .
11 An Italian engineer recently arrested in connection with the supergun affair disclosed that he had been employed by SRC associate company ATI to co-ordinate production of supergun parts in Italy , Switzerland and the UK .
12 Deputy Minister of the Interior Juan Carlos Mazzón was also dismissed on Jan. 15 after Noticias magazine disclosed that he had served nine months of a three-year prison sentence imposed in 1981 for fraud .
13 But oh , the glory and the convenience of skiing in resorts where you step into your bindings and ski down to the lift without setting foot to snow , where you cruise all day on networks so meticulously designed that you have but to descend to find another fan of lifts at your disposal .
14 In all of what conceptual situations , so to speak , is it to be supposed that we have a single conception rather than several related ones ?
15 It was the only object , apart from the books , which reflected a personal taste ; Dalgliesh hardly supposed that it had been provided by a Government agency .
16 The revolution that resulted in molecular biology enabled us to begin to understand many of the processes in the cell at the molecular level , although it must be stressed that we have a long way to go .
17 Sabre has stressed that it had no formal link with Clydesale Office Equipment , which has now closed down .
18 Greece has always stressed that it had no designs on Macedonian territory and it has succeeded in getting its neighbours to say the same .
19 Orchis is Greek for testicle , which is what the roots look like , and Lydia had told the company so , because Mrs Molesworth , gazing fondly and favourably on her husband , had divulged that he had bought her orchids on the recent occasion of their wedding anniversary .
20 The course is based on the principles of self-help , hence clients are reminded that they have responsibility for their own problems and for changing their own behaviour .
21 EMPLOYEES are reminded that they have the chance to take part in a special bone marrow register clinic .
22 The Secretary of State and his Ministers do not like to be reminded that they have a welfare role , but I must stress that the back payment of entitlement at issue tonight occurs under the National Insurance Act 1946 , a Social Security Act and the Supplementary Benefits Act 1976 which all state that DSS officers shall : ’ exercise their functions in such a manner as shall best promote the welfare of persons affected by the exercise of these functions . ’
23 Parents should be reminded that they have a responsibility and that they can be fined and required to pay compensation for acts committed by juveniles .
24 Doreen Copas had to be reminded that she had been teaching Medau for all of 25 years by her Herts and Cambs colleagues and class members ; they presented her with a generous gift of garden tokens on the occasion of the Westhampstead Rally .
25 During the summer , and I called into the hospital on several occasions and I was reminded that I had agreed to participate in the ‘ fun run ’ and I decided it would be a good publicity gimmick and improve my chances of sponsorship if I took along and pushed him around the 10 mile course .
26 ‘ You are reminded that I have the backing of the Chairman of the Revolutionary Command Council .
27 ‘ I do n't like being reminded that I have not one drop of blood to link me with my family . ’
28 When a manager is given the authority to do something , it is automatically presupposed that he has the ability to do it , the facilities that he needs and that the desired results will be achieved .
29 Where it is forgotten that we have been forgiven , little love is shown .
30 Instead , she had toadied to these ghastly , grasping women in glittering hats , women who themselves seemed to have forgotten that they had husbands and families .
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