Example sentences of "[vb pp] for two year " in BNC.

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1 In addition , one very broadly-based general SVQ is being introduced at level I. We are also introducing two preliminary awards at a more basic level than level I. All these awards have been accredited for two years in the first instance .
2 Five Highers , Jordanhill , married in the University Chapel to an awful nice electrical engineer who would n't say boo , taught for two years till she got her parchment before starting a family .
3 One site with which the author was involved was delayed for two years , with constant revision to the proposed design .
4 The following year Robinson founded the Garden and edited it until 1899 , when he was succeeded for two years by Gertrude Jekyll [ q.v. ] , his lifelong friend .
5 He was conditionally discharged for two years
6 As part of the agreement ( i ) the 250,000-tonne buffer stock of cocoa beans ( bought in an effort to support prices ) would be frozen for two years ; ( ii ) the levy of US$30 paid by producers on their exports and by consumers on imports from non-ICCO countries would be abolished from April 15 ; ( iii ) producers undertook to attempt to repay the accumulated arrears on levy payments ( amounting to US$140,000,000 ) ; and ( iv ) some of the buffer stock could be sold to raise funds .
7 Virgin Group Plc is planning to enter the mass-market UK personal computer business via a computer supplies company , Virgin Euromagnetics Ltd that it has owned for two years , the Financial Times reports : £12m-a-year Virgin Euromagnetics packages supplies such as floppy disks , which are sold in Virgin stores , and has designed an 80486 machine that is to be built under contract for Virgin in the UK , initially at a rate of around 3,000 a month ; the paper says that the machine may be bundled with a laser printer for about £1,200 , and the plan is to launch in September .
8 A The law allows any couple to seek a divorce on the grounds of the irretrievable breakdown of marriage once they have been separated for two years .
9 Winston Churchill , MP for Davyhulme , a leading Tory rebel , said : ‘ The report is that the White Paper says that 13 pits are going to be saved for two years and then have the chop .
10 It 's not been fed for two years has it , so
11 Meanwhile , the Dak took on a new role in 1948 , as the mount of 60 Squadron , being used for two years on a nationwide aerial survey .
12 I 've got a pewter-coloured Strat Plus which I 've had for two years now .
13 Today he announced his decision … that men can be admitted … but ordered that the move be postponed for two years .
14 So you go into the guy you sell it to him and then you 've lost you 've got for two years you can do nothing with that person .
15 Although the casualty department has been closed for two years Mr Dale said it was imperative that it is opened because of its close proximity to London 's third airport .
16 I have n't slept for two years
17 It has only been opened for two years and is a nice modern hospital though not as posh as Pat 's .
18 In the two months prior to writing this chapter , my counselling has involved one thirteen-year-old babysitter for a coven who was drugged and sexually abused for two years before eventually plucking up the courage to tell her parents .
19 Conscripted for two years .
20 John David Saunders , 23 , of West Layton Farm , West Layton , Richmond , admitted driving motor vehicle with excess alcohol in blood , fined £200 plus £25 costs , licence endorsed , disqualified for two years .
21 You are entitled to a written statement of the reasons for your dismissal if you have been employed for two years or more .
22 We in the childrens services have known for two years that something more must be done and we must pay our staff more .
23 We have job shared for two years in several senior house officer posts in different specialties as part of our own scheme for vocational training for general practice .
24 There can be nothing worse for those employed in any industry than to have their incomes drastically reduced for two years on the trot and then be left twirling their thumbs wondering whether at the end of the next year they will still be in business — whether they can continue to be farmers and produce the food that Britain can use .
25 Thoza Khonje , Malawi : released February 1991 , having been detained for two years after making remarks which were interpreted as critical of the Life President .
26 Senior tutors : appointed for two years , renewable .
27 They are each appointed for two years .
28 The Peat Consortium , representing Britain 's leading voluntary wildlife conservation bodies including the Worldwide Fund for Nature , Friends of the Earth and the Royal Society for Nature Conservation , has campaigned for two years to halt extraction from the bogs .
29 NEW fixed-rate mortgages include 7.79% until January 1995 from Abbey National , and Cheltenham & Gloucester 's 7.5% fixed for two years or 8.75% set for five years .
30 Both are fixed for two years .
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