Example sentences of "[vb pp] that [conj] [art] " in BNC.

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1 We have supposed that once the A-X association has been established , further training with A will endow both A itself and the associatively activated X with associative strength .
2 Ten years ago it was supposed that when the database was up and running it would be relatively easy to find additional funds from outside to cover the running costs .
3 It must be stressed that although a natural condition can not give rise to liability under the rule in Rylands v. Fletcher it may still constitute a nuisance for which an occupier may be liable if he has knowledge or means of knowledge of its existence and if it is reasonable to require him to take the necessary steps to abate it .
4 It should be stressed that since the subject of social studies is society , and particularly individuals and social groups within society , it is difficult to accept that women as a group can be of little concern to its practitioners .
5 It must be stressed that after a certain time has elapsed , individuals will interact with the researcher just as they will with anyone else , notwithstanding the possible inhibiting effect of recording equipment .
6 It must be stressed that if the record of a lease of land by Offa to Oswald , bishop of the South Saxons , in 772 ( CS 208 : S 108 ) is what Stenton called it — a ‘ patent forgery ’ — there is no evidence for Offa 's presence as a dominant factor in South Saxon affairs until the late 780s .
7 Second , we are reminded that while the evidence for the resurrection is impressive , first Christians did not merely believe in the resurrection .
8 It is expected that once the number of people on the dole tops 3,000,000 next Spring , Mr Lilley 's budget will reach £75 billion .
9 It is therefore to be expected that where an animal had been classified as ferae naturae at common law it will be regarded as belonging to a dangerous species under the Act ( e.g .
10 It was expected that as the level of processing deepened , the reaction time required to answer and the number of words recognised would increase .
11 Ibanez have obviously not forgotten that once the ‘ made in Japan ’ tag was considered a stigma and have given their Korean counterparts a chance to bask in the glory they deserve .
12 I had forgotten that before the war there had been no Women 's Auxiliary Air Force to build barrack blocks for , as the Force only came into being in 1939 .
13 In analysing these figures , which are detailed in Tables 2 and 3 , below , it must not be forgotten that since the Survey was conducted in summer , the proportion of visitors from outside Edinburgh will be higher than at other times of the year .
14 Moreover , it should not be forgotten that if the teacher is " a resource " as well as books , audio-visual materials and three-dimensional items , then a similar claim can very properly be made for items of resource equipment .
15 It must not be forgotten that if the wife or third party is assuming the mortgage debt , so that the husband is released , the amount of the debt assumed in addition to the cash consideration will be subject to stamp duty ( Stamp Act 1891 , s57 ) .
16 A spokesman for the Council for the Protection of Rural England has claimed that if the Treasury refuse to " foot the bill " then the government 's " environmental credibility will plummet " .
17 Guynemer once claimed that if the Germans used such planes he could have guaranteed a bag of one a day .
18 It can , however , be claimed that though the expansion of employment in the public sector was not directly responsible for the decline in the number of people employed in the manufacturing sector because it did not use the same labour sources and because there was no labour shortage anyhow , it was , nevertheless , indirectly responsible because it led to a decline in private profit and hence to a shortage of capital for investment in the manufacturing industries .
19 But it must be added that as the profits rolled in — and they were very substantial in our period — the temptation of decorations , titles , intermarriage with the nobility and in general an aristocratic life style was not often resisted by the rich .
20 It is considered that when an individual becomes ill , that is , out of balance , the organism reacts in a way which attempts to restore the balance , that is , curatively .
21 Of course , it might be objected that while the description given here is theoretically accurate , in practice the exchange officers and ‘ helpers ’ were never able effectively to guide , supervise , influence , and control the school-leavers ( and their parents ) who continued to deviate from an ‘ ideal ’ behaviour pattern .
22 It might be objected that when the comparison of habituation and latent inhibition gives rise to a discrepancy , it does so because we have failed to compare like with like .
23 True , Kant thinks that if morality is ultimately valid it is because we have somehow settled on these imperatives ourselves at the noumenal level , but to this — apart from the dubiousness of the metaphysics — it is likely to be objected that if the imperatives spring from myself it is quite proper for me to rescind them when convenient .
24 The owner of the horse had not realised that if the horse was threatening her , that its ears would be held firmly backwards , and not just relaxed backwards .
25 Cooperative women have realised that if the principle ‘ Each for all and all for each ’ is good in their shopping , it is equally good in production , in education , and in the affairs of the nation and of the world .
26 Since the earliest days of stepping motor development a large number of designs have appeared , but it was soon realised that if the motor is to produce a significant torque from a reasonable volume then both the stationary and rotating components must have large numbers of iron teeth , which must be able to carry a substantial magnetic flux .
27 To remedy these distressing conditions , UNO has calculated that if every country , rich and poor , gave 0.7 per cent of its gross national product , world poverty could be banished in a generation .
28 It has been calculated that if every driver in the United States reduced petrol consumption by 5% , and every family lowered its central heating temperature by 6 degrees and raised the air conditioning temperature by the same amount , the saving would be the equivalent of the total oil consumption for the continent of Africa .
29 A few years earlier it had been calculated that if the populations of modern cities continued to increase in the 20th century , so would the horse-traffic , and that by 1960 cities like New York , London , and Glasgow , would be 100 feet deep in horse manure .
30 Finally , someone once calculated that if the pillars and spires were stood one on top of the other they would be 5,300 metres high .
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