Example sentences of "[vb pp] that [pron] was " in BNC.

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1 An entry in the charges register disclosed that it was subject to restrictive covenants imposed by a deed of 1883 but did not reveal what those covenants were , because on first registration neither the deed nor a copy or abstract of it had been produced .
2 When Panna was just twenty days old , the village midwife disclosed that she was neither male nor female , that she was a hijra .
3 I can not resist retelling one of the anecdotes : in 1963 , at a party to congratulate Cotton on an award he had just received , Lipscomb told Cotton that while he was delighted by the choice , it should not be supposed that he was on the ‘ cottonpickin' ’ committee .
4 If it was n't for the air of wary intelligence about him it might have been supposed that he was a barbarian from the Hubland wastes .
5 He had never supposed that it was publishable or that Emmie cherished ambitions of that kind .
6 It is generally supposed that it was at Thurgarton .
7 Delivering a brief lecture on self-control , Leonora began frying bacon , cutting hunks of crusty bread , grating cheese , determined to keep so occupied that there was no attention to spare for the worries which seemed to be multiplying by the minute .
8 While justifying the need for Islamic reform , Sharif nevertheless stressed that he was not " a fundamentalist " impervious to " the requirements of modern times " .
9 The changes will not come into force until 1991 and Lloyd 's stressed that it was attempting to introduce safeguards to ensure the market 's underwriting standards did not deteroriate .
10 The changes will not come into force until 1991 and Lloyd 's stressed that it was attempting to introduce safeguards to ensure the market 's underwriting standards did not deteroriate .
11 It was stressed that it was vitally important for those going to work in other countries to have training in the cross- cultural dimension .
12 ‘ Hope we did n't wake you , ’ Hennessy said , and Schaffer was reminded that he was unshaven and unwashed .
13 Owen did not like being reminded that he was , so far as police work was concerned , an amateur .
14 Truman was reminded that it was an agreed military estimate that if Indo-China falls , ‘ very likely all of South-East Asia may come under communist domination ’ and , although it might not have seemed a very credible danger , it was pointed out that the Philippines were less than 800 miles from Indo-China .
15 In a letter penned on behalf of the Archbishop of Rouen by a famous stylist , Peter of Blois , Eleanor was reminded that it was a wife 's duty to submit , a reminder backed up by the threat of ecclesiastical sanctions .
16 I do n't need to be reminded that it was the previous administration who put it in the structure plan but I also want to remind those who were n't here that I was utterly opposed to that at the time .
17 It was the day after the barbecue and Sara was reminded that it was here yesterday she had met Matthew .
18 The two cardinals were so loudly applauded that it was clear they represented the wishes of the majority .
19 Especially when they are tipped that it was you who topped him . ’
20 The Bishop of London , Tait , agreed , adding that ‘ Any pity called up for the unfortunate Charles I was likely to be dissipated by statements in the services which were so exaggerated that it was likely when read to turn the staunchest Royalist into a parliamentarian . ’
21 He could always claim of course that he knew nothing of the layout of the engine-room and had always assumed that there had to be a reserve tank or that in a panic-stricken concern for the welfare of his beloved niece he had quite forgotten that there was no such tank .
22 But I was er here I was one of the first People have forgotten that there was such a thing as a fitting shop in you know , in .
23 He had forgotten that Marie was only a girl ; forgotten that she was wearing a ridiculous dressing-gown .
24 In trying to articulate what she felt so strongly , Clare had forgotten that she was talking to a very sick woman .
25 Despite being caught up in an almost mystical trance , Laura had not entirely forgotten that she was n't the only person swimming in the ocean .
26 For the moment at least , she had forgotten that he was a dwarf and the biggest disappointment of her life .
27 He 'd almost forgotten that he was looking for her .
28 Is it true that he 'd forgotten that he was their father ?
29 He had forgotten that he was watching an exhibition .
30 He had not forgotten that he was a Jew , but had recognized the power of the gods of his masters and had acted in accordance with their orders .
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