Example sentences of "[vb pp] it [adj -er] for " in BNC.

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1 All it meant was I could attack the trial in the job , which would have made it better for me , or from outside the job . ’
2 I think you have something definite to say — and I hope I have made it easier for you to say it . ’
3 It has made it easier for participants in training courses to understand the concept of oppression , to recognize oppressive attitudes and behaviour , and to identify oppressions which may be new to them : heterosexism is often a new concept to heterosexuals .
4 Third , trade-union reforms have made it easier for firms to fire people .
5 But in the short run the part-timers and weaker unions have made it easier for firms to shed labour .
6 But the Lord has made it easier for you by giving us the lesson taught so simply and sublimely by our parents — the joy of love , that is of understanding and being understood , of giving and receiving , of sacrificing oneself to be recreated , of pouring out the treasures of one 's own heart only to find them multiplied endlessly .
7 This imbalance , in the number of sessions held by the Council compared to the Assembly , must have made it easier for the Council to usurp executive powers .
8 The closeness of consumer and producer has made it easier for the Registry to expect and to receive from the Computer Centre a computing service of commercial standards , especially in terms of quality and meeting deadlines .
9 Recent changes in legislation have made it easier for local authorities to promote traffic calming schemes and a significant programme for their provision has been approved by the Regional Council .
10 Since 1975 a number of sector-specific EC Directives have made it easier for professionals to practice elsewhere in the Community .
11 The Times of June 8 reported that following the riots the government had granted Belgian nationality to 40,000 immigrants , most of whom came from north Africa , and had made it easier for those born in Belgium of foreign parents to gain citizenship .
12 He says the M40 has made it easier for criminals to escape with stolen property .
13 Reid , preparing for today 's confrontation at Ewood Park , declared : ‘ Blackburn have made it harder for the rest of us but there is no point in bleating about it .
14 Not unnaturally , however , this glowing relationship between Mr Balladur and the president has made it harder for Mr Balladur to stay on loving terms with his former boss , Mr Chirac .
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