Example sentences of "[vb pp] to each of " in BNC.

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1 As you construct your argument , you will be obliged to make judgements about how firmly you are committed to each of its ideas , and how strong the evidence is for believing them .
2 The words ‘ because he was tired ’ could be added to each of them .
3 Our modified schedule was then applied to each of the subjects by one or other of two of the present authors ( either GW or RP ) .
4 For instance the government grants made to each of the new British universities in the 1960s , and intended to cover purchase of their basic bookstocks , were estimated by the Parry report to have a purchasing power of 75,000 volumes — less than a third of Parry 's recommended figure .
5 Four additions were made to each of the tracheal preparations at the time points indicated by dots .
6 Sir Anthony cried in greeting , at the same time as the Frenchman bowed to each of them in turn and took the empty seat opposite Sir Anthony .
7 The employees then went on to David , who tested heart and lungs and talked to each of them to ascertain whether there were any personal anxieties that might affect their role in management .
8 Table 1 indicates total Grampian manufactured exports subdivided into industry classes , while Fig.1 illustrates the proportion of the total exports attributed to each of the largest exporting sectors .
9 He did not campaign and at first declined to make use of the television time allotted to each of the candidates .
10 A deliberate counterpoint has been introduced to each of the installations on the four floors by juxtaposing the Nouveaux Realistes with Cristo 's Support/Surface works , Picasso with Figuration Libre .
11 Production of the Continental R will begin in November , with only 70 units being allocated to each of Rolls-Royce 's four main territories — the UK , the United States , Europe and the Far East — in the first year .
12 The amount of contingency sum allocated to each of these budgets should reflect the degree of uncertainty within the work of the design team as well as the degree of control which the project manager wishes to retain over the team .
13 Similarly , although the smallness of the samples of 16th , 17th , and 18th Century publications in need of repair means that conclusions about them must be treated with some caution , it is worth noting that if all pre-1800 items are treated as a group and the proportion of them allocated to each of Categories 3–5 calculated , their pattern of distribution ( ‘ Poor' 78% ; ‘ Bad ’ 18% ; ‘ Fragile ’ 7% ) comes close to matching that already established for all defective items .
14 Led by Lt-Col Lois Lodge , 38 , the first female commander of a regular British Army unit , 24 Field Ambulance will be split into four detachments and assigned to each of the four UN sectors in Croatia .
15 Acquisition of a button-pressing task ( a separate button was assigned to each of the four faces ) proceeded significantly more rapidly for members of the pair given dissimilar names than for members of the pair given similar names .
16 An obvious example is the weight to be given to each of the central initiatives and the most appropriate form of implementation .
17 This spread of interest is very much borne out by the selection of numbers given to each of the tenors where Tauber has more semi-serious and operatic numbers to sing than his tow seniors .
18 First , the votes given to each of the parties in each of the Republic 's ten Länder are separately aggregated to produce national totals , which are themselves then combined in a single comprehensive total .
19 But grace was given to each of us according to the measure of Christ 's gift . ’
20 He had also arranged for a small box of hand-made chocolates to be given to each of them upon departure .
21 Miniature trophies were given to each of the four finalists .
22 In order to avoid disputes , the sale agreement should specify the priority to be given to each of these rules .
23 Theologically conservative bishops were appointed to each of the four resulting new dioceses , which removed the peripheral slum areas of the city , containing the poorest inhabitants , from the direct influence of Cardinal Paulo Evaristo Arns , the Archbishop of Sao Paolo .
24 Just one question was asked to each of the chosen seven : How heavily influenced are you by the sentiments of groups like The Smiths and do you think that a record like that is capable of causing a drastic change in your attitudes to a subject like vegetarianism ?
25 Had the advent of atomic weapons invalidated them ; did they need re-definition ; and what priority should be accorded to each of them ?
26 On the contrary , it appeared from several provisions relating to the Common Fisheries Policy that that policy , far from being exempt from the basic principles of Community law ( such as the prohibition of discrimination , the right of establishment and the principle of the free movement of goods ) , was expressly subjected to each of them .
27 A pair of bottles of wine will be awarded to each of the first 2,500 entrants whose names are drawn on 5.11.90 .
28 Pricing is being left to each of the six semiconductor makers .
29 Through the late morning the Eagle at Trenton was serviced as seldom in her existence before , and the FAST packs were fitted to each of the port and starboard air-intake trunks .
30 To the extent that a given CR , separately acquired to each of two CSs , is likely to be evoked with particular vigour when the two CSs are presented together so the conditioned response of inattention will be especially strong when A and B have separately undergone latent inhibition training .
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