Example sentences of "[vb pp] in [noun] because " in BNC.

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1 Many dinosaurs varied in weight because their mass was distributed differently .
2 Bush had still to convince the US Congress , however , to release the US$94,000,000 in economic and military aid which it had frozen in July because of doubts about the government 's commitment to an anti-drug programme and because of persistent reports of gross human rights abuses by the military .
3 Chris Morris told me that the other group had got caught in Basra because they had lost touch with reality briefly and got careless . ’
4 Secondly , even when some paths did have to be pursued in parallel because their scores were above the threshold , the finite-state arrangement of hypotheses restricted the candidates for any particular slot , and cut short the combinatorics through backwards pruning ( Fig. 9.2 , point A ) .
5 Here is Thomas 's final piece , which is presented in type because the original was written on a large piece of paper and integrated with a beautiful line drawing of the piece of wood .
6 But The Sun thought that ‘ the meeting was a bogus one , if it was held at all ’ , further alleging that this clandestine organisation ( which said that it had met in secrecy because it feared Hooligan reprisals ) was a put-up job by someone in the pay of The Daily Telegraph .
7 This is not done in man because it leads to Charcot joints and a deafferentation phantom , two signs the horse may not be able to display .
8 MAFF did not conduct a farm by farm assessment to define boundaries as DAFS ( Department of Agriculture and Fisheries for Scotland ) has done in Scotland because the manpower requirement would have been enormous and the work would have taken , according to MAFF , 8–10 years to complete for England and Wales .
9 These readings have been selected in part because they illustrate well the convergence of research evidence and policy-making .
10 ‘ Sixty-four thousand people applied to get on the last series and most of the letters were written in crayon because they 're not allowed to use sharp instruments .
11 The displacement model has persisted and expanded in part because of its own self-fulfilling features but also in the absence of credible alternatives .
12 Twelve days before Soviet troops entered Afghanistan Amin gave his word that ‘ no Soviet military bases will be built in Afghanistan because we do not need them ’ .
13 It would appear to have been adopted in psychoanalysis because of its air of scientific detachment and objectivity , its freedom from the objectionable religious overtones of such terms as ‘ sin ’ and ‘ evil ’ .
14 Erm now let's see , the linen is made in Scotland because it 's the o he 's the only linen maker I Ian is the only linen weaver .
15 But it says that the surviving mudflats may be needed in future because they are near deep water and could make good sites for factories that are served by ships .
16 The talks had been postponed in February because the government claimed that the CNGSB had not defined its position , that its delegation contained no leaders " with full powers to commit all parties " , and that it persisted with attacks on oil installations and townships .
17 It is therefore also common ground that prima facie Glasgow must be sued in Scotland because of course it is domiciled in Scotland , and that the banks are only entitled to sue in England if they can bring themselves within the special jurisdiction laid down in articles 5 and 6 of Schedule 4 .
18 I remember being given some caviar once when we were in Russia — wrapped in newspaper because they had no containers to put it in !
19 I would disagree that er , humans are n't used in experiments because I think that we 're all being used at various
20 Gunpowder is not used in rifles because it produces smoke an leaves a residue in the barrel .
21 Such archived information is frequently used in research because it is more or less free ; but , to avoid fallacious conclusions arising from what is usually called secondary analysis , we must be prepared to think critically about the source , reliability and consistency of the data involved .
22 It was used in anger because we were living near Sevenoaks when the V one was over the doodlebugs and er they positioned er one of these barrage balloons just near our house you see .
23 Some countships were more equal than others : a " greater " count was presumably so called in part because his civitas was richer and more important , for instance , as a central place in one of the regna ( like Angers in Neustria , or Autun in Burgundy ) .
24 Commenting on this , Sebba and Wootton ( 1984 : 8 ) write : The switch to Creole occurs before the first instance of " build " is " and this could be taken as a direct quotation of the man 's words , rendered in Creole because he is apparently a Jamaican : cf.
25 Badly formed characters and even illegible words can be understood in context because human readers use their knowledge of language and the world to guide their processing .
26 Over the 1950s , for example , large amounts of US capital were invested in Britain because of the wide productivity gap which existed between the economies .
27 However this work is shrouded in secrecy because of the patent lawyers .
28 But some philosophers get themselves tied in knots because they implicitly assume that the cat can have only one history .
29 I heard evidence of the one domi domiciliary visit per week of the physiotherapist had been stopped in September because of lack of resources .
30 No well I do n't want anybody going round saying that the phones have been inundated in Norwich because we because we have n't circularised the number properly cos that 's our fault not anybody else 's
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